Thursday, June 05, 2008

St. Mark's Gospel @H Street Playhouse

A message I received from Theater Alliance--


I’m writing to ask if you would be willing to let folks know about our new show, opening June 12, St Mark’s Gospel, performed by Michael Tolaydo. I’m especially wanting people to know, that because it is a religious themed show, we’ve put together a special offer for local churches and non-profits for groups of 10 or more (prepaid to hold the reservation). They can either take advantage of a 33 1/3% discount off the ticket price of $30, or they can pay full price, and we will give back the discount ($10 per ticket) as a donation to their organization. So they get to see a great show either at a big discount or as a fund raiser! I’ll be glad to talk to anyone about this offer. My number is 202-302-2403.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i dig religious plays!

thank goodness there are places where i can drink before i have to sit through that.

no offense, god fearing folks...