Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2 Shootings, 1 Fatal, Early Today

Police notice-

There was a homicide that occurred at 1500 F Street, NE, it occurred shortly after midnight on July 16th, 2008. An adult male was found suffering from gunshot wounds. We are still conducting the investigation, and I will provide any additional information as it comes forth. If you have any information about the shooting please call the Crime Solver Tip Line at the below listed number, thanks. 1-800-673-2777.

Apparently the 19 year old man was shot several times. Passersby flagged down a patrol car in the area and alerted the officers that there was a man lying in the street. Police are not releasing information on suspects at this time. This shooting occurred on the edge of Rosedale.


Washington Post

The second shooting, reported in the NBC4 story, occurred in the 1200 block of Simms Place. This shooting occurred in Trinidad. The victim was shot in the leg around 2am.


Anonymous said...

Life in the ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Recently there have been a large gathering of folks on the northwest corner of 13th & H Streets, NE in the evening. They don't seem to be doing anything other than milling around. Seems odd that dozens of people would just hang out on a corner when all that's there is a beauty shop. Any insight?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, my boyfriend and I were mugged at gunpoint last evening (around 8:30) in the 1300 block of H Street, NE, on the north side (they ran out of that Rainbow take out place). It would have been nice if there were dozens of people around then, oh well...

(Staying anonymous just this once, sorry...)

Anonymous said...

I've noticed the same thing at that corner. No one bothered me as I walked by, but I couldn't tell what people were doing.

I'm sorry to hear about the mugging. Scary. Glad you are ok.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but shouldn't we be "doing" something about this? I know that people simply hanging out on the corner might not be grounds for action by the police, but if people are getting mugged, shouldn't it be grounds for something? What about creating a neighborhood watch? I realize that might sound feable, or silly, but they have a proven track record of strenghening neighborhoods and reducing crime. It would involve developing a planning committee and moving from there. Thoughts?

diane said...

I think that there is a "group meeting" of young men held every week. They may have been former users of one substance or another and use a building not far from the corner of 13th and H NE. They never seem to bother anyone, and when they take a break are usually found outside for 30 minutes or so. Our community garden at the corner of 13th & Wylie Sts NE has been hit lately by unknown persons taking the veggies we are growing. When your plants have only produced ONE squash and you are waiting for it to grow enough to take home to fix, or if you get 2 or 3 and want to share then find them gone it is sad.
Is the Rainbow take out place on H or is it on 13th. I cannot remember. What side of H?

Anonymous said...


Rainbow is on the north side of H Street on the 1300 block.

And that's sad/ridiculous that people are stealing from that little Wylie Street community garden. The neighborhood goes through such effort to have something nice like that on what used to be a pretty bombed-out street, and idiots have to come along and ruin it by stealing from it. Really? Vegetables? Thugs even steal vegetables at this point? Ugh.

As to the neighborhood watch, does anyone know if something like this is alraedy in existence? It would seem weird to me if there wasn't something like this already in the mix. And does anyone know what happened to the H Street Bar owners' promises to have provate security in the areas on 13th near all the bars? Not that Rainbow carry-out is right next to any of the bars, but you'd have to believe that the people that got mugged were probably patrons of one of those establishments, forced to park nearby.

Anonymous said...

For the vegetable thieves, you can put up a sign saying "Steal and eat at your own risk! One of the vegetable is injected with rat poison and only we know which one!"

Now just hope that the idiot thieves can read!

Anonymous said...

To follow-up Neo's idea, I might try something a little less lethal -- I would inject as much laxative into the squash as possible.

No reason why vigilante justice can't be fun too.

Anonymous said...

Diane - who is the contact in charge of the Wylie St. Garden? I'd love to get involved and maybe help broaden the reach of the activities that go on around it. If you have it, please post the information here or send it to my work email at

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me why we can't get a loitering law passed in this city?

Hillman said...

"Can someone please explain to me why we can't get a loitering law passed in this city?"

That's an easy one.

We have had decades of pandering, worthless city leaders.

They'd much rather pander and blather on about 'cultural norms' than actually admit that groups of young men loitering on the corner are quite often up to no good.

Loitering laws have been pushed in years past. Only to have those pushing for them labeled as racist and classist, even though, of course, those that would benefit most from such laws would be poor blacks in crime-ridden areas.

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure the supreme court ruled on the loitering law issue (against it) years ago based on a Chicago case, which is more likely the reason why a true anti-loitering law will never happen in DC. a loitering law would be nice to have but there are a lot of pitfalls that would come with it

inked said...

I can confirm, based on conversations with a fried who used to attend them, that there is a support group meeting for former users of narcotics within a block or two of this area. I don't know if there is any relation between the loitering at 13th and H and this meeting. I can think of alternate explanations for the loitering. Sorry about the armed robbery, definitely not cool. But I'm glad to hear that you are ok.

Hillman said...


You are partially right.

The Supreme Court did rule that Chicago's loitering ban was unconstitutional.

But they didn't rule out all loitering bans.

In fact, in 2000 Chicago re-instituted their ban, just with more precise wording. I believe it, and many others like it, are still in effect.

Theirs is worded like this, according to Wikipedia:

"Loitering was then defined as "remaining in any one place under circumstances that would warrant a reasonable person to believe that the purpose or effect of that behavior is to enable a criminal street gang to establish control over identifiable areas, to intimidate others from entering those areas, or to conceal illegal activities""

I don't see any reason why DC couldn't do something similar.

Anonymous said...

I love how we live in a neighborhood where you can have someone say "sorry about the armed robbery. Not cool" and it not be tongue in cheek at all.

inked said...

I'm just saying that I'm very sorry it happened. It isn't the norm. But when it happens to you that isn't much balm. But still, comments on a blog can't do much. You just have to hope that MPD does their job to the best of their ability [as well as the call center operator]. If you've ever been the victim of a violent crime, I think you'll get all of that.
By the way, if an officer, or operator doesn't do their job, you can, and should, file a complaint.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Obviously -- given the subject of this post -- it could have been a LOT worse and we're quite grateful that all we lost was a four year old cell phone and $5 in cash.

The teenagers who did this were not in a large group and definitely not part of any support group meeting.

And since someone asked, we were at the Pug and were walking to the Argonaut. We've live in the area for two and half years and my boyfriend has been mugged before, but it was at least past sundown that time. We were (I thought) obviously not profitable victims.

I'm very pleased with MPD; they were very responsive (as they were the last time, which actually led to a conviction).

Anyway, I'm definitely a lot more disturbed about the dead kid in the street.

Anonymous said...

'hillman' slam dunked it...
If you keep asking yourself why DC is like this, you could do a lot worse than go over to the Washingtonian Magazine website, and search for the article titled:
"Why DC's Bad Guys Have So Many Guns"

And remember what you read come November.

Anonymous said...

Just went and read that article. very eye opening if true. Kind of depressing actually. I also didn't know there was no bail option for dc judges.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the Washingtonian article, for those who are interested:

Anonymous said...

Hillman always "Slam dunks it" in my opinion. He's not afraid to speak a racial Truth around hear and usually manages to do it in a way that doesn't offend those overly sensitive reverse-racist on here that so often can't even present a rational thought because they're emotionally so angry that all they can do is rant and rave about the evils of the white man and gentrification. Hillman, I wish I could speak as eloquent as you. My comments usually just piss people off.

Hillman, will you be our mayor? What about my ANC representative? What about my master - I wouldn't mind being YOUR servant. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Phil Mendelson is a jackass. clear and simple.

Hillman said...

Why, anonymous, I blush.

I try very hard to attack policies and public myths rather than make everything race-based and personal.

I find that the more people look at the actual track record of the public welfare / 'society made me do it' / soft on crime history of the past 40 years in DC they often end up thinking very much like I do.

The trick is to do that without being overly offensive, and stressing that it's not about race. It's about culture, political dogma, and learning (or not learning) from failed policies of the past.

But regardless you are going to offend some.

What I find most disturbing, though, is clinging to political dogma to the detriment of actual people.

Hillman said...

And I should point out that I also advocate real 'liberal' solutions, like actual funding of mental health programs, addiction programs, etc.

It's got to be a two-pronged approach. We have to end the stupidity of creating a culture where violence is good and working is bad. But we also have to create real mental health programs and addiction programs to treat these very real problems.

Of course, I also advocate having these programs be mandatory for anyone getting ANY public assistance money, and anyone choosing to live on public property.

Anonymous said...

I read that Washingtonian piece when it came out...considering DC's action on complying with Heller, it's clear the council is far more concerned with keeping guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens than actually taking concrete action to prosecute illegal possession.

I'm frequently embarrassed by the city's government, but this misguided nannyism is pretty tough to take. Unreasonable controls on law-abiding citizens, and laxity when confronting criminals.


Anonymous said...

The guy that was killed at 15th & F wasn't from the neighborhood, nor was the guy that was killed (in his car) in nearly the same location a few weeks ago. When is Mendelson and the rest of the City Council going to understand that these guys hanging the corner are not just guys from the neighborhood hanging around, and discussing their SAT scores. They are a occupying force in areas of the city. They do not call themselves "soldiers" for nothing.I hate to say it, but it seems that Mendelson and the cops want them to kill each other off.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8:23 said, "I hate to say it but it seems that Mendelson and the cops want them to kill each other off." AND....?

If "they" are so suspect of the compassion from others and have even less respect for themselves or any sense of personal responsibility, then let "them" duke it out with their legal or illegal guns. Makes you begin to wonder if we wouldn't all be better off because of it. My only fear is that some hard working responsible innocent is going to get caught in the crossfire.

Needs to be said (if nothing else,it feels good)

Hillman said...

"then let "them" duke it out with their legal or illegal guns. Makes you begin to wonder if we wouldn't all be better off because of it."

The problem is that it never goes away. There will always be a new turf war, a new imagined slight, etc.

Better to address the root problems as well as the cultural symptoms.

Better for everyone - the neighborhood and the perps.

Anonymous said...

Hillman you have a greater compassion for the "perps" than I do. Sadly, mine is just about all spent and quite frankly I get tired of people and the perps making societal excuses for them/themsleves. But maybe I'm becoming as morally bankrupt as some of "them" and we each express our anger differently - but at least mine isn't lethal.