Monday, July 21, 2008

WP: Recent Shootings

The Post reports on the 7 people shot, one fatally, early Saturday morning in Trinidad. Police have confirmed that they are looking at two unrelated vehicles moving through Trinidad. The 2002 gold Dodge Intrepid, which was involved in three of the shooting incidents, including that of 13 year old Alonzo Robinson, and a black sedan that entered the neighborhood and shot a man and a teen. One witness in the shooting of Alonzo said the attack was not preceded by a robbery. He stated that the Intrepid approached the group, a man in the sedan yelled to the group and then opened fire. Police have made no arrests in the shootings.


Anonymous said...

I rolled back into town about 10:30 last night and it looked like the checkpoint on Oates was going to go up soon, with an MPD cruiser there w/ its lights on. This morning the cruiser was there also as I went to work. There was also someone w/ a fairly professional looking video that the police or is it some 'monitoring' group working that camera? Personally I have no problem if it's the police and I have no problem with the checkpoint.

Ash said...

The camera this morning was just a tv crew looking for interviews. I've seen no monitoring groups of any kind (yet)

Anonymous said...

There are some comments in the previous post that suggest the checkpoints are useless and that the police won't solve this crime. They actually solve a decent number of murders and I think they'll figure this one out. It only happened a couple of days ago.
That was a good comment that we should set aside the left vs right arguments and figure out a solution. To that end, at the last PSA meeting Commander Greene suggest we (i.e. the Trinidad community) form a group that will regularly walk with the police through the community.
Will this stop people from rolling in and shooting up the place? Not if they're determined to do it. But I think the point of this idea (and the checkpoints as well) is to show that Trinidad is not being ceded to the criminals. People walking in the streets w/ the police and the roadblocks have a psychological effect and a criminal who's not actually based in Trinidad might decide to go somewhere else where lawlessness goes unanswered.
I suggest folks who in their comments run down the police and their ideas a) also add constructive ideas on how to reduce crime in Trinidad and b) come in person to the PSA meetings and talk to the police leadership about your ideas.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the multiple comments. It may have been two PSA meetings ago when Cmdr. Greene put forth that idea.

Anonymous said...

I dont know if this was addressed in comments on some of the other posts, but my neighbor told me on sunday (yesterday) he saw a man who was stabbed 6 times earlier in the day at the Florida market (on 4th St).

Has anyone heard anything about that? The neighbor is old, and could've been confused about some of the other stuff that happened this weekend, but I just wanted to check.

Anonymous said...

The reason the MPD does not solve more crimes is because of the Aferican Americal culture and the way they treat the police. They wont work together providing any information and stonewall investigations. I remember watching this 60 minutes piece about something the community calles "snitches" please look at link below

Until this community of people learns to step up and assist in investigations I dont feel bad at all...

Anonymous said...

I told this story to a neighbor and she mentioned that it was hard to care about a 13 year old being killed when obviously relatives didn't care about their 13 year old hanging outside with a 43 year old doing God knows what at 1:00 in the morning.

Shouldn't 13 year olds be inside around that time?

Regardless, I wouldn't with the pain of losing a family member on anyone. I'm sorry for their loss.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, lets remember to stay anonymous because the suspects are on the loose and the last thing I want is for us to be targeted. I know we all are afraid but stay focused.

-Big Yellow-

Anonymous said...

In response to Big Yellow "lets remember to stay anonymous because the suspects are on the loose and the last thing I want is for us to be targeted."

If you actually have any relevant information on the situation, this blog is the last place you should be going to talk about it. Go to the police!

We need more local folks who are willing to stand up and actually say they have had enough of this stuff. Its not called "snitchin" "ratting" or "selling out," its called LIVING, something that those of us who actually go to bed in this community need to start doing more of.

Is it a risk to go to community meetings and speak out against the punks on the corner? Sure it is, but we're living in the alternative reality right now, and the view from my barred window sure looks crappy.

-concerned neighbor

Anonymous said...

I'd like to echo the last post. People expect the police to solve these problems? Come on. If we lived in some sort of police state maybe, but not in the U S of A. There are so many limits to what they can do.

I have news for you, folks: beyond setting up checkpoints and other temporary band-aids, the police can't have much impact. The real problem is cultural: some people let their kids grow up without respect for the law, for their neighbors, for right and wrong, etc. Their kids get involved in crews and fight with crews in other neighborhoods consisting of kids from the same f'ed up families. We need to start shaming these people.

And don't tell me I'm blaming the victim. The real victim here is that 13-year-old boy.

Anonymous said...

Of course, share any information you have with law enforcement. Don't know how it came across that I have information - I don't. I'm somewhat removed from that activity.

PS One could argue the "living" point either way.

Anonymous said...

OT - Here's some local development news. The District has selected the Argos Group to redevelop the Old Engine House 10, at 1341 Maryland Ave. NE, and the former police station located at 525 Ninth St. NE. The proposal is to create 4 condo units in each building, with half of the units affordable.

Condos isn't my first choice, but I'm glad the space is finally going to be put to use (both buildings have been vacant for years). The old firehouse, in particular, is a beautiful old building that is currently is a sad state of disrepair.,a,1368,q,608429.,dmpedNav_GID,1790,.asp

Anonymous said...

You are totally correct. The problem is the community tolerating these behavior. This city if filled with people who have ZERO respect for police, citizens or the streets. You see it all the time. My guess is these are the same people who think giving the police information about criminals to better the community is "snitching"

We have a big issue here and need to figure out how to deal with it. Personally I am sick and tired of the crime in our area. I happily welcome the road blocks, would be in favor of curfews and anything else the police try to do. Other posters call it a temporary band aide and blame the system. I look at it and blame the ghetto hood and the people who refuse to stand up to the thugs.

Anonymous said...

If there is another attach (which there will be) I hope they go after the ACLU lovers who say these road blocks are infringing on their rights. I would love to see how their views change....................

Anonymous said...

Know what I'm fed up with? Prissy boys who sit at their computer, on their buns, and gossip all day.


Unknown said...

Anon 7:07,

Some of us were off our buns, sweating our asses of cleaning up Orleans Place on Saturday afternoon. Feel free to join our block organization when we do to help. (Though I do not think I am of the cleanup forth coming if I can get them from a neighbor and if Inked would like to post them).

Seriously people, the only way our neighborhoods will become safe and nice places to live is if we all take a stand and commit to the change we want to achieve. Is your street dirty? Than pick some trash up! Intimidated by crime? Than organize a community walkthrough/march! Be visible...Visibility at all anything in your power to [peacefully] let it be know that you and your neighbors are here to stay and refuse to be intimidated by ruthless thugs.

Inked, I have seen a few posts on tree box gardening up in Trinidad...has a group built some down in Near Northeast? If not, does anyone want to help me build some?

Anonymous said...

Richie -- I'd love to help. I've planted a couple trees along my street but more are needed and DDOT's Urban Forestry Administration is no hurry to do their job effectively. There are several places in Near Northeast that could use some trees and treeboxes.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of visibility, with all the news about the shootings in Trinidad, why are there only blacks being interviewed.
Where are the whites? I know that there are white residents in Trinidad. But you couldn't tell by the news in TV. Show your faces now!


inked said...

Debbie, funny you should mention that. I have an Asian friend who lives right on the corner of Holbrook and Oates [very close to the shootings]. He spent Saturday afternoon working in his yard and watching the police congregate at that intersection. He also pointed out to me two reporters who kept passing by the corner. Apparently he had watched them interview several guys sitting on front steps, or passing by. He joked that the reporters didn't seem to have an interest in talking to some Asian kid out working in a vegetable garden. It is always interesting how reporters for certain stories choose who to interview.

Anonymous said...

So we want an Afro-centric view when the news is positive, we don't want one when its negative.... Let's throw in a little more color, so we can show this isn't just a "black issue", but if all the victims and perps are black (in Trinidad), we can't talk about it being a "black issues." I don't get it. Seems like we all need to work together to lift the poor inner-city (black) community up, because it is in deperate need of help from everyone. Oh, I forgot, they don't want or need our help.

What was that predominately white gated community in Arlington someone told us to move to? I need to talk to my Realtor.

- Movin' on up (Just like the Jeffersons did!)

Anonymous said...

My thing is have MPD made any arrests in any of the other Killings that happened this year? The only one i know that was solved was the case where the guy killed the lady in the alley off Montello. Me she rest in peace, may he rott in jail..

They(MPD) are always saying oh we were just a block away, oh we have some great leads, then all of a sudden you don't hear squat about any of the cases. I commend MPD for them wanting to bring safety to our area, but they need to take a look at why so many cases are going unsolved.

Yes the community holds a plays a great deal by not coming forth with information, but MPD needs to take a look at their methods. Maybe increase relations within the community, or create a taskforce for the neighborhood.

Trinidad Home Ower

Anonymous said...

>Hey guys, lets remember to stay anonymous because the suspects are on the loose and the last thing I want is for us to be targeted.<

I don't think black punks read blogs.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 932
I think you got the opposite of what I was saying. My point was Trinidad is a thriving mixed race community. Out of all the news comming out of Trinidad, this is not being portrayed. Even with the recent crime sprees, Trinidad is a lot better than 10 or twenty years ago. But the news doesn't refect that.


Unknown said...

Tree Guy,

Great! How can we talk about doing Treeboxes further? Email? Meet up somewhere?