Friday, October 17, 2008

Possible Stabbing at 11th/10th and I?

I received a question about a possible stabbing at this location last night. Can anyone confirm the report, or provide info?


DCJaded said...

I dont know about that, but I heard what sounded like a single gunshot at about 230am last night from right around the NY AVE metro then a bunch of sirens, but I havent seen anything in the news.

diane said...

Today while strolling down I St, we came across several spots where there was quite a bit of dried blood. It was actually on I just east of 10th.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happened at the intersection of 12th and Montecello on Friday afternoon around 6ish? I came home and there were two police cars blocking off the alley right there. It looked like they had a guy in handcuffs...

Anonymous said...

I meant Florida and Montecello sorry

Anonymous said...

nobody knows.


just another day in the hood.

nobody knows.

inked said...

Florida and Montello. I asked an officer on the scene if there had been any injuries, and he said no. I think it was most likely a drug collar.

Anonymous said...

Great news >>>> the house on the corner of 12th & K NE has been purchased, and all of the present occupants will be out of there in a few weeks...

Anonymous said...

excellent news!

all hail the turtle!

Anonymous said...

I'm showing my ignorance, but why is that great news?

Anonymous said...

"Great news" - probably because some low-lifes with an absent landlord lived there and the surrounding neighbors are thinking "Good ridence!"

But that's just a guess. I'm ignorant to it too. That's just how I'd feel if the trash across the street from me were thrown out and the house was sold to a responsible occupant.

Anonymous said...

I live at 10th and I. Neighbors said is was indeed a stabbing, a domestic quarrel about girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

makes sense. Thanks! I agree, let's toss the garbage out.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, referring to people as "garbage" (Anon. 3:47)

Just a preemptive strike on Anon. 3:47 for what I know is coming from others, but I couldn't agree more.

After living in "the dump" for five years its nice to know some people come along and try to plant some flowers around here - so agreed, "Throw the garbage out"

It's a metaphor folks.

Anonymous said...

Well, obviously referring to people as "garbage" comes off as harsh, ignorant, possibly racist etc.

That said, I have found that there are just EXTREME differences in the way many of the poor people in this neighborhood have been brought up to view acceptable social interaction, vs. what those of us from higher socio-economic backgrounds were taught.

And, honestly, you can explain it away all you want, and the reasons for it are quite clear, (and arguably, not these people's "fault") but MAN does their behavior get grating at times and continues to be the LARGE downside of living in this area.

On the other hand, it's something you bargain for when you buy a house in nieghborhoods like this, of course, so if you're looking for sympathy, you'll likely find none. But feelings of frustration with a culture you competely don't understand can certainly lead to feelings of "joy", or at least a hope that change is on the horizon, when a "problem-house" like this seems to be entering its last days.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess that's why I normally don't comment, or even read comments, because it leads to craziness like that. O-ver-re-ac-tion...

There's no way one can argue that absentee landlords who let properties, and via those, neighborhoods, deteroriate shouldn't be classified as garbage. Exploiting residents' by collecting rents and not maintaining their homes is despicable behaviour.

Wow, you lived here for 5 years? You're really hardcore. I could never learn about the neighborhood in my meager 54 months.

So. Please. Someone. Explain how these absentee landlords slumlord-like behaviour should not lead to them being called garbage. I would LOVE to hear you people who implicitly claim to speak for the neighborhood come to slumlords' defense.

Next time, rather than automatically jumping to some sort of race argument, use your brain and think about what you're saying. You'll have more people willing to listen to you.

If you want to support the neighborhood, shop at local business and maintain your property. Don't play race games on message boards.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:28, I think you misread the above three posts in that they are agreeing you - both loosly/metaphorically refering to the irresponsible tenate and the absentee landlord as "garbage" - and as soon as we get it out of here with RESPONSIBLE homeowners (which would include landlords) and tenates, then the dump will begin to improve.

Head of the neighborhood improvement committee

Anonymous said...

I live a few doors down from this and a friend of mine actually saw it. Apparanlty a car pulled up, an angry person got out, struck a girl that was walking in the head with brick. The other person, male, pulled out a knife and stabbed him. It was an argument about a girl, had nothing to do with drugs.

inked said...

the drug guess referred to the no injuries incident at Montello and Florida, NOT the stabbing on I Street.

Anonymous said...

I live at on I at 10th. I woke up that evening from a nap to see the police lights in my window.
I went out to see my street blocked off and the boys in blue looking in the bushes and garbage cans for a knife.
The cops asked if we knew anything and we said no. He said seems like no one ever sees anything. He told us it was a stabbing and that the kid was critical at the hospital.
Later that night Homicide came knocking on everyones door. So I guess he did not make it.