Tuesday, February 24, 2009

City Paper Reporter Trails Joe Englert

City Paper's Tim Carman wrote series of short pieces on Joe Englert for the recent issue. Essentially these are a day in the life of type pieces.

Drinking, Playing, Joking

A Shrine to Stunted Adolesence

What Gets Done at the Office

Englert Can Make You Suffer on the Tennis Court

And of course Englert, who worked as a reporter before getting into the bar business, responded by writing about his day with Tim Carman.


Tom A. said...

hey how cool that Joe gives a nod to FT! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

In all that time together did Carman ever bother to ask when the H St. C&C would open???

I'll even settle for a reasonable date range from the dear leader...

too much tennis and boozin', not enough reporting...(I say this with
affection and even a degree of envy for said tennis and boozin').

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know exactly where Mr. Englert's H St. office is? I only ask because I am trying to confirm a rumor that I heard that it is in the building in my backyard.

Tom A. said...

Kenny- But isn't that an outhouse back there? Just what are you suggesting?

Anonymous said...

Not suggesting anything-- I need to speak to the owner of the building -- wondering if it is Joe.

Anonymous said...

Last month, it was published that H Street CC was supposed to open late February, which is now. Those photos don't look promising, however.

Anonymous said...

H St Country Club will open in 2010. Check that, late 2010. Take it easy, people. It takes time to do something right. This place is going to be sweet when it opens. Well worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

At this point it's not about being patient. It's about wondering why a public delivery date of February 2009 was given and now, if "Dolemite" is correct, we're talking LATE 2010??? Really? Suddenly the projections were off by wll over a YEAR? That's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Dolemite was being sarcastic on the late 2010 opening date. Dolemite has no inside information on the club's opening date. Dolemite also eagerly anticipates the opening, but Dolemite is not holding his breath. Dolemite realizes these things take time, especially when you want to do something right and doubly so when dealing with DC government permitting agencies. Dolemite is willing to cut Joe E. some slack here. Dolemite is sorry for any confusion caused.