The Post goes into greater depth about the stabbings that left a mother and her two young sons dead.
The Washington Times also has something short on the killings, but they got the neighborhood wrong. The stabbings occurred on Maryland Avenue. No part of Maryland Avenue is in Trinidad.
my girlfriend put it best last night. if a story happens east of the river, it's anacostia, and if it happens in northeast, south of new york ave, it's trinidad, at least according to the local media.
Just a very sad story. There are resources out there for women who are in an abusive relationship:
Staying isn't the only option.
So if Trinidad stops at Bladensburg, what's the neighborhood east of Bladensburg, north of MD Ave called?
Carver-Langston? Because I thought that stopped at MD Ave...
That would still be Carver-Langston.
@ 644 I st ne: I agree w/ inked - it's still Carver-Langston. But it only goes up another block to M St., where the arboretum starts.
This is a sad story. Hopefully, our leaders will wake up and finally pass strict knife control laws.
"Leaders"??? we don't have many of those in dc. just substitute that word with "Politicians", and then you'll start making sense.
i'm not quite sure why there is so much concern about what you want to call the neighborhood where this horrible thing happened. I just feel sorry for that poor woman and her little boys and mostly for the child who survived.
charles: why can't we be concerned for the family and want to hold the papers to task for misidentifying neighborhoods? nothing is keeping us from doing both...
i just wanted to update my own stuff see as they bothered to correct their own. But I do expect the media to Accurately report events.
In my opinion news media (though I once saw the Councilmember's office do it in a press release about a murder tha, which is nowhere even close to Trinidad) around here are too quick to call anything even close to this area of NE Trinidad when something bad happens. This has been going on even since the headline grabbing checkpoints. I was talking to a friend of mine about the phrase "Trinidad area apartment" that appeared in one local story. He suggested that this was ok because the crime was "walking distance" from Trinidad. I pointed out that it was also walking distance from Capitol Hill, but you would never see that in print. I'll go with IMGoph's initial comment on this one. The media uses the Trinidad name because it's familiar from the recent stories, but, in my opinion, that actually does real harm around here. I'm not talking about the resale value of my home here. I'm talking about (among other things) the way kids who live here hold themselves out, and interact with each other, and kids from other areas. If you think you live in the hoood, you are probably more inclined to act hard. It does matter. And to me, that's some quasi-racist shit when they throw out the name Trinidad like that and it isn't even Trinidad.
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