A look at what's going on in Trinidad, on H Street, and in the larger area north of Capitol Hill.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Stolen Car Impales Montello Rowhouse
A car that was reportedly stolen crashed into the livingroom of a rowhouse (1100 block of Montello) tonight. Amazingly, no injuries have been reported (the driver fled). Police and firefighters were out in full force.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And some easier to see versions of the dark photos-
This is EXACTLY why DC needs more signage that says, "NO DRIVING INTO HOUSES." And I thought the Council passed zero-tolerance laws for driving on the sidewalk?
The people shooting up the place, running around the neighborhood without any care for the law or their neighbors, screaming non-stop in the middle of the streets day in and day out resemble similar characteristics as some of the uncivilized mammals you see on the discovery channel. If "monkey" is too racey then pick another animal, I don't care.
Yay! It must be summer, because--like the Sperm Whale versus the Giant Squid--we're treated to the epic online battle between The Racists AND The Scumbags!
The group of people over there that are smashing in windows, cursing and screaming at cars driving by and urinating in public are behaving like monkeys.
Anon 12:34, This is not the Prince of Petworth blog where you get t-shirts for best picture captions - but that was a good one! That wouldnt be a bad idea considering the craziness that is NE.
sick of this crap! we all know that with warmer weather that the crime rate goes up. unfortunately in this neighborhood it is ridiculously high! i don't get it! what's the point. i will admit that i am am part of the gentrification of this hood and i am not afraid of the groups of kids who think that they are cool and i am not! but i will say that i am so freakin sick of the gunfire, robberies, stolen stuff and assaults! cut the crap already!
Not sure how race fits into this. It seemed to be guys that stole a car, wrecked it, and got away on foot. I don't know if they are Trinidad, Rosedale, Carver, Capitol Hill North or even MD residents that know people in one of the neighborhoods. I really get bothered when every thing bad is put in racial terms.
It's sad. There isn't a band of good white people battling evil black youth or good for nothing black middle age and old people. But I get the sense that some people think like that and it isn't so.
This crime is sad, but the good news is that MPD, DCFD, and ANC responded quickly. The family is okay. No body was hurt the family is getting the resources it needs. Why must the become a racial thing.
It doesn't help.
Now for all of you sick of the crime. Then do something about it. Work with the community to improve itself. It wont happen with you on the sidelines complaining about how it's not perfect, or hoping for some great whitening that will some how civilize the "monkeys" or force them out. It isn't gonna happen. It's time we rolled up our sleeves and got to business of making things better.
"It wont happen with you on the sidelines complaining about how it's not perfect, or hoping for some great whitening that will some how civilize the "monkeys" or force them out. It isn't gonna happen."
How did Shaw, Chitown, DuPont Circle, Logan and the other areas than have vastly transformed in the past 10-15 years civilize the criminal thugs in that area? They forced them out! They didn't actually "force" anybody out but by having enough gentrifiers move into the area the thugs became outnumbered and moved elsewhere.
These A-holes cannot be civilized..the only solution is to weed em out. You are naive if you think all these problems will be resolved by community meetings and community safety walks.
Wow, this is the most racially charged blog I have seen since moving to DC. It actually makes me cringe knowing that some of you are my neighbors. Yes, H Street is still more than Dicey and yes the youth of the area can be challenging. You knew what you were getting into when you moved to this section of town, if you don't like it leave. Otherwise shut the hell up and quit being d-bags to your neighbors by calling them monkeys and statements like, "It's sad. There isn't a band of good white people battling evil black youth or good for nothing black middle age and old people.
Monkey's rarely drive cars and wear their pants below their hip line. It was a racial insult.
You know dare I say we learn to live together. We learn that even the "thug" what ever that means is a member of the community. From the most of us to the least of us, we are all in the community and we all need to help one another pull our selves up. We can push populations out, but Shaw, Adams Morgan and Petworth are not crime free. Shaw was in the news again about a rash of crimes there last night. Let's get a grip, there is no easy answer to sustained changed. It takes very hard work and a lot of personal involvement and risk.
It's painful to read this blog at times, I know the owner, and sometime I wonder if it would be better if this blog were shut down, it exposes more dark than light at times, but maybe that's why it's so important.
To know that people are out there that openly pray for the day when most of the neighbors that look like me (I'm black) are gone. It's not really a racial thing, these people are frutrated. They are dealing with some unreal expectations, and at times are scared. I understand, but change wont come without work. Instead of hoping for new entrants that share "middle class values" what ever that means, work with the people in place. Some people will resist change. Some will fight you, but most people I've met, even in the hardest ghettos or most isolated trailor parks and reservations, want a peaceful existance.
The car wreck had more to do with a band of idiots than with anything racial. It's interesting that we went to race so fast.
We should all collectively check outselves and move forward.
Robby - nobody said we want every black person gone. We want the thugs gone. Its interesting how you interpret "wanting the thugs weeded out of here" into wanting all of the black people out of here.
The car wreck had more to do with a band of idiots than with anything racial. It's interesting that we went to race so fast.Why 'we'?
Look, we're all adults here. Surely no one over the age of 8 in this country is unaware there are racists and racially insensitive a-holes, and just angry people with limited coping skills. That's why Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and the rest have a constituency.
So why is it so surprising that marginally racist posts would show up on an anonymous comments section of a message board?
You give these idiots far too much power when you assert that the "monkey" comment is a majority viewpoint, as opposed to a particularly nasty form of trolling.
Want a stronger community that's not "thug"-ridden? Want nuisance properties on your street addressed and dealt with? Want people to stop peeing and crapping in the alley next to your house. Here's a thought...get involved. Instead of spending time crafting a diatribe on how you are or are not a gentrifier or a racist, consider some alternative uses of your time: call or email the MPD listserv, attend the meetings for your PSA, get out on the street and get to know your neighbors and who is regularly spending time in your neighborhood. If you're too busy or too lazy to make the effort, then you've little room to complain. Shed your anonymity. It aint all that it's cracked up to be.
I'm not a strong believer in doing community events in hopes of "changing" a neighborhood.
What works better is to take care of your own property and the area around you. Clean up the trash thrown in your yard and your neighbors yard. Add some landscaping to the front yard to make it look nice. Even offer to add simple landscaping to your neighbors yard if they don't mind.
When you have enough people doing that, your block will look nice and it'll show the trouble makers that the people there care about their block. Drug dealers and thugs are not going to want to do their business there because their customers won't feel comfortable doing their business there. What happens when drug dealers and thugs are no longer on your block? There's no more trouble.
It's the drug dealers who attract all the trouble we've had. Most, if not all of the shootings last year were from turf disputes or retaliations from other drug related disputes.
I know its hard to do when most blocks are 75%+ rented out. The land lords need to step in and take some responsibility here too.
Thanks for the info. I'm a bit confused with what the listserv is supposed to do other than being an informing tool for the community. Is this just a place to voice your complaints?
If I see 3 teenagers smoking weed behind my house, do I call the police or the number in the listserv?
anon 12:09- all valid points. I wasnt by any means trying to imply that attending community events is all that is needed to get the job done. it really takes a combination of exactly what you pointed out AND interfacing with the MPD to keep them apprised of problem areas. Trust me, having lived on the 800 block of 7th St behind Family Liquor for 4+ years and engaging the peeing and crapping frenzy in our alley head on, I can say the best thing you can do is self-police the problem and keep the MPD aware so they can keep the heat on as well.
anon 12:14- I would 1) email the listserv to get the activity and location noted in the monthly activity ledger and either 2a) call 911 (non-emergency) and report the activity or 2b) respectfully engage and ask the youths to move on and take their business elsewhere (if you are comfortable enough doing so)
Anon 12:14 -- here's the distinction between 911 and the MPD-1D mailing list.
If you see people doing illegal stuff in the alley behind your house, you should call 911.
If you keep seeing it, over and over, then in addition to calling 911 over specific incidents, you should post about it on MPD-1D and get the police' advice on what else you can do. By doing so, you also communicate to them that the alley behind your house deserves more focused attention.
I found a free site to report a stolen car or any other stolen property.
It's http://www.stolen-property.com/
You can also enter brand names, models, serial numbers and photos of items you currently own as well to have the information stored remotely in the event of an insurance claim or if something is stolen in the future.
Wow and I thought the Checkers really took a hard hit. Thank goodness nobody was hurt.
This is EXACTLY why DC needs more signage that says, "NO DRIVING INTO HOUSES." And I thought the Council passed zero-tolerance laws for driving on the sidewalk?
Damn gentrifiers don't know how to drive.
This is why VA drivers give anything a DC plate on it a wide berth.
Hope the scumbag wasn't wearing a seat belt.
What is it - another week or 2 before the monkeys start shooting up Trinidad again? I cannot wait to get the hell out of here.
Anon 1208-
Monkeys? I hope that was just a poor word choice.
Yeah, I think we can all agree that 12:08 comment was wildly inappropriate. Monkeys? Seriously 12:08, therapy.
well, poor word choice or not, he's got a point. The weather getting nicer around here is quite a double-edged sword.
"Wait, that's not the garage..."
The people shooting up the place, running around the neighborhood without any care for the law or their neighbors, screaming non-stop in the middle of the streets day in and day out resemble similar characteristics as some of the uncivilized mammals you see on the discovery channel.
If "monkey" is too racey then pick another animal, I don't care.
Yay! It must be summer, because--like the Sperm Whale versus the Giant Squid--we're treated to the epic online battle between The Racists AND The Scumbags!
Whoo hoo!
Keep your pistol in your pants, Monkey. We've got an eye on you.
Does this sound racist?
The group of people over there that are smashing in windows, cursing and screaming at cars driving by and urinating in public are behaving like monkeys.
Yes, No.
Anon 12:34,
This is not the Prince of Petworth blog where you get t-shirts for best picture captions - but that was a good one! That wouldnt be a bad idea considering the craziness that is NE.
To: Anon 1:26:00
To avoid accusations of racism, it would be better to just say they're behaving like ACORN volunteers.
On the bright side- at least they got their car back. A little smooshed though.
the guy didn't want to miss any American Idol
sick of this crap! we all know that with warmer weather that the crime rate goes up. unfortunately in this neighborhood it is ridiculously high! i don't get it! what's the point. i will admit that i am am part of the gentrification of this hood and i am not afraid of the groups of kids who think that they are cool and i am not! but i will say that i am so freakin sick of the gunfire, robberies, stolen stuff and assaults! cut the crap already!
Not sure how race fits into this. It seemed to be guys that stole a car, wrecked it, and got away on foot. I don't know if they are Trinidad, Rosedale, Carver, Capitol Hill North or even MD residents that know people in one of the neighborhoods. I really get bothered when every thing bad is put in racial terms.
It's sad. There isn't a band of good white people battling evil black youth or good for nothing black middle age and old people. But I get the sense that some people think like that and it isn't so.
This crime is sad, but the good news is that MPD, DCFD, and ANC responded quickly. The family is okay. No body was hurt the family is getting the resources it needs. Why must the become a racial thing.
It doesn't help.
Now for all of you sick of the crime. Then do something about it. Work with the community to improve itself. It wont happen with you on the sidelines complaining about how it's not perfect, or hoping for some great whitening that will some how civilize the "monkeys" or force them out. It isn't gonna happen. It's time we rolled up our sleeves and got to business of making things better.
"It wont happen with you on the sidelines complaining about how it's not perfect, or hoping for some great whitening that will some how civilize the "monkeys" or force them out. It isn't gonna happen."
How did Shaw, Chitown, DuPont Circle, Logan and the other areas than have vastly transformed in the past 10-15 years civilize the criminal thugs in that area? They forced them out! They didn't actually "force" anybody out but by having enough gentrifiers move into the area the thugs became outnumbered and moved elsewhere.
These A-holes cannot be civilized..the only solution is to weed em out. You are naive if you think all these problems will be resolved by community meetings and community safety walks.
Wow, this is the most racially charged blog I have seen since moving to DC. It actually makes me cringe knowing that some of you are my neighbors. Yes, H Street is still more than Dicey and yes the youth of the area can be challenging. You knew what you were getting into when you moved to this section of town, if you don't like it leave. Otherwise shut the hell up and quit being d-bags to your neighbors by calling them monkeys and statements like, "It's sad. There isn't a band of good white people battling evil black youth or good for nothing black middle age and old people.
Calling a group of people whether they're black, white, asian, whatever, monkeys is not racist if they're behaving like them. Chill the hell out.
Monkey's rarely drive cars and wear their pants below their hip line. It was a racial insult.
You know dare I say we learn to live together. We learn that even the "thug" what ever that means is a member of the community. From the most of us to the least of us, we are all in the community and we all need to help one another pull our selves up. We can push populations out, but Shaw, Adams Morgan and Petworth are not crime free. Shaw was in the news again about a rash of crimes there last night. Let's get a grip, there is no easy answer to sustained changed. It takes very hard work and a lot of personal involvement and risk.
It's painful to read this blog at times, I know the owner, and sometime I wonder if it would be better if this blog were shut down, it exposes more dark than light at times, but maybe that's why it's so important.
To know that people are out there that openly pray for the day when most of the neighbors that look like me (I'm black) are gone. It's not really a racial thing, these people are frutrated. They are dealing with some unreal expectations, and at times are scared. I understand, but change wont come without work. Instead of hoping for new entrants that share "middle class values" what ever that means, work with the people in place. Some people will resist change. Some will fight you, but most people I've met, even in the hardest ghettos or most isolated trailor parks and reservations, want a peaceful existance.
The car wreck had more to do with a band of idiots than with anything racial. It's interesting that we went to race so fast.
We should all collectively check outselves and move forward.
Robby -
nobody said we want every black person gone. We want the thugs gone. Its interesting how you interpret "wanting the thugs weeded out of here" into wanting all of the black people out of here.
The car wreck had more to do with a band of idiots than with anything racial. It's interesting that we went to race so fast.Why 'we'?
Look, we're all adults here. Surely no one over the age of 8 in this country is unaware there are racists and racially insensitive a-holes, and just angry people with limited coping skills. That's why Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and the rest have a constituency.
So why is it so surprising that marginally racist posts would show up on an anonymous comments section of a message board?
You give these idiots far too much power when you assert that the "monkey" comment is a majority viewpoint, as opposed to a particularly nasty form of trolling.
"Don't feed the trolls..."
Want a stronger community that's not "thug"-ridden? Want nuisance properties on your street addressed and dealt with? Want people to stop peeing and crapping in the alley next to your house. Here's a thought...get involved. Instead of spending time crafting a diatribe on how you are or are not a gentrifier or a racist, consider some alternative uses of your time: call or email the MPD listserv, attend the meetings for your PSA, get out on the street and get to know your neighbors and who is regularly spending time in your neighborhood. If you're too busy or too lazy to make the effort, then you've little room to complain. Shed your anonymity. It aint all that it's cracked up to be.
What is the number for the mpd listserv?
url for MPD 1D is:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MPD-1D/. Contact phone numbers are there as well
I'm not a strong believer in doing community events in hopes of "changing" a neighborhood.
What works better is to take care of your own property and the area around you. Clean up the trash thrown in your yard and your neighbors yard. Add some landscaping to the front yard to make it look nice. Even offer to add simple landscaping to your neighbors yard if they don't mind.
When you have enough people doing that, your block will look nice and it'll show the trouble makers that the people there care about their block. Drug dealers and thugs are not going to want to do their business there because their customers won't feel comfortable doing their business there. What happens when drug dealers and thugs are no longer on your block? There's no more trouble.
It's the drug dealers who attract all the trouble we've had. Most, if not all of the shootings last year were from turf disputes or retaliations from other drug related disputes.
I know its hard to do when most blocks are 75%+ rented out. The land lords need to step in and take some responsibility here too.
Thanks for the info. I'm a bit confused with what the listserv is supposed to do other than being an informing tool for the community. Is this just a place to voice your complaints?
If I see 3 teenagers smoking weed behind my house, do I call the police or the number in the listserv?
anon 12:09-
all valid points. I wasnt by any means trying to imply that attending community events is all that is needed to get the job done. it really takes a combination of exactly what you pointed out AND interfacing with the MPD to keep them apprised of problem areas. Trust me, having lived on the 800 block of 7th St behind Family Liquor for 4+ years and engaging the peeing and crapping frenzy in our alley head on, I can say the best thing you can do is self-police the problem and keep the MPD aware so they can keep the heat on as well.
anon 12:14-
I would 1) email the listserv to get the activity and location noted in the monthly activity ledger and either 2a) call 911 (non-emergency) and report the activity or 2b) respectfully engage and ask the youths to move on and take their business elsewhere (if you are comfortable enough doing so)
Thanks - I'll keep that in mind
The tone of the comments on this post and the one on Gentrification, but have racially charged. As I wrote this is about a simple yet dangerous crime.
I agree, with 7th and H.
I don't get it. It's like people enjoy rolling around in filth instead working to make things better.
Conversations go to issues of who's had it worst, or other degrees of dumbness.
Take care,
uhh..what? No idea what you're trying to say robby.
It's not worth clearning up.
Going to clear my mind of all this.
I wish you all peace.
Anon 12:14 -- here's the distinction between 911 and the MPD-1D mailing list.
If you see people doing illegal stuff in the alley behind your house, you should call 911.
If you keep seeing it, over and over, then in addition to calling 911 over specific incidents, you should post about it on MPD-1D and get the police' advice on what else you can do. By doing so, you also communicate to them that the alley behind your house deserves more focused attention.
I found a free site to report a stolen car or any other stolen property.
It's http://www.stolen-property.com/
You can also enter brand names, models, serial numbers and photos of items you currently own as well to have the information stored remotely in the event of an insurance claim or if something is stolen in the future.
Pretty nice site.
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