Thursday, June 25, 2009

WP: Justice Dept. to Review Shooting

The Post reports that the Justice Department will review the role of a law enforcement task force in the recent shooting of Trey Joyner in Trinidad.


oboe said...

Good. This is exactly what should happen, and is one of the reasons that the various police agencies actually have credibility with your average citizen.

Anonymous said...

Totally agreed--however, I think it will be interesting to see the community's divided response to the results.

I mean, if it turns out the shooting was unjustified, I think everyone in the community will be outraged and condemn the officer for acting the way he did.

If it turns out to be justified, however, I still don't think that will convince those here that don't trust the cops.

So, hmm...who's way of thinking is more unreasonable?

common sense said...

"So, hmm...who's way of thinking is more unreasonable?"

you mean like how the white community still thinks OJ is guilty even though he was acquitted by a jury?

oh, you were saying the justice system gets it right all the time and people who criticize any verdict/finding are all uniformly irrational?

common senseless said...

Did anyone else read the internet posted copy of "OJ's" book on how he "would have done" the crime......jury's can get it wrong both ways. Bad example common sense.

common sense said...

my point was people only think juries get it wrong when they disagree with the verdict and think people are irrational if they disagree with verdicts they agree with

either the justice system works 100% of the time or it is open to criticism, you can't have it both ways was my point (which you re-stated, yet you claim you disagree with me? LOL. learn logic, then apply.)

diane said...

Why do issues seem to be white vs black common sense 8:15? Why can't it just be a person's personal opinion no matter if they are black, white, yellow, purple or green. An opinion is just that an opinion.

Anonymous said...

opinions are like elbows...everyone's got one, and you common sense are an elbow.

Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes the justice system does work. and some elbows can't accept when justice has been served.

Anonymous said...

MY original point is that nothing will be good enough for those that already don't trust the justice system. Yet, on the other side, if the investigation DOES turn up wrongdoing, it's not like we're gonna sit here and defend the actions of a cop who killed an unarmed man.

it's that the one side is more open to having their viewpoint changed based on the introduction of new information, and the other isn't. That, to me, is an unreasonable position to take.

--Anon 3:19

PS--your OJ analogy is terrible. Anyone who knows anything about the law knows the HUGE difference between "not guilty" and "innocent". Not guilty is just a jury verdict. His actual "innocence" of the crime has nothing to do with the trial. He did it, he just didn't get convicted.

Anonymous said...

What "new information" has appeared that causes you to draw this conclusion, Anon 3:19/11:55?

Anonymous said...

"if the investigation turns up wrongdoing"

That WOULD be the new information, I didn't say we had any now.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm not being clear.

You made a statement in your initial post (3:19 yesterday) about how you think people *will* act -- "if it turns out to be justified, however, I still don't think that will convince those here that don't trust the cops." But then, in the close of that post, and in the second paragraph of your second post (11:55 today), you wrote as if this was not something you suspected would be true, but something that is definitely true, and therefore is worthy of criticism.

Unless there's been some new information that those folks have disregarded, substantiating your claim, all you're doing is building a strawman and knocking it down.

Anonymous said...

all we can do is unify as a community no matter what the result of this investigation. distrust and apathy for our neighbors lead to nowhere. let's take back our porches, sidewalks and alleys as a team, imagine that...