Tuesday, August 25, 2009




Paul said...

formstone is so awful...

Viceroy of Lost Umbrellas said...

Am I the only one who thinks that the design on the bars looks phallic.

MJ said...

No, you're not, but I never found a way to mention it to him in polite conversation.

Anonymous said...

How come the only new things in the neighborhood are bars? We need more coffee shops and yoga studios.

Viceroy of Lost Umbrellas said...

Mj, I think that just have to blurt something like that out. There is no smooth, polite way to tell someone that they have a penis on their window bars.

poo poo's sidekick said...

are you people stupid?

just say that the bars look like they have a penis on them.

it's funny, it's a conversational piece, it's an eye opener, it's a bunch of stuff.

are you people that spineless??

that's why the neighborhood is so screwed up.

grow some balls and have a sense of humor.

americans are so stupid...