The Mayor's office released this press release about 1214 H Street being shut down as a problem vacant property. This is an old photo, but I didn't have anything newer. The grey building is now the Red and the Black and the red brick building is now Palace of Wonders. S0 1214 is the building just to the right of the Red and the Black. According to the press release "[t]oday’s abatement at 1214 H Street, N.E. involved the removal of solid waste and evidence of drug and prostitution activities."
Awesome! Now, just take that, and repeat roughly 50-times up and down H Street, and we'll be on our way!
How does the city "shut down' a vacant building that is theoretically already locked and/or boarded up?
Do they change the locks so even the owner cannot access it?
Okay...I'm happy to hear about this news. I'm a young guy in the Washington D.C. area. My mother and I live in the Washington DC area and live right next door to a vacant home. I got a chance to go out my way to speak to the owner who is, from what I was told by him, that he was a Firefighter (forgot for what fire house). That house is very runned down. I was told that house was sitting like that for 25yrs or so...that is way too long.
Also, I've seen crack/dope heads shootup in the backyard, break in the backyard everytime the owner puts up a new wooden wall. They leave fecal matter, needles, and many other hazardous and nasty things in and around the back of that house. These drug attacks see my face often in the neighborhood so they don't mess with me and a couple of times I had to threaten them to get away. My mother fears coming home (to her own damn home) and throwing the trash out. I've approached the owner on this and he just told me that he's in the process of fixing the house. He told me that 3 and a half years ago. In my same block 2 to 3 houses burned down, it was all over the news that day and week. Luckily no one was home. The city is so quick to send out notices to fine someone and take them to court but look down upon residents when we make noise...excuse my language but fuck that lol. I don't have any family here and my mother is all I got. If i lose her to any elements that this house brings I will definitely be a problem. Not only will the owner be suid to penniless but I would sue the city for everything. If the tables were turned it would be done to me or anyone else. I feel like the house also Depletes the value of my mothers house. As far as fire-code violations...that house far surpasses it. Why the city have not taken the house away I don't know but I'm ready to talk to people in high places to put not only DCRA on blast but any comissioner, mayor or any authority who isn't stepping up to the plate. Tax rates will not cut it, if it did then there wouldn't be a problem...If this were not a townhouse then I probably wouldn't care I don't know but since we're connected to this house and what I've seen......this house is more of a threat to those who complain about a house that isn't an extent...the point is the DC government's system sucks ass and being that I'm in the Hood, I can speak on that with FACT...someone please point me in the right direction to shake up the cage. Someone needs to be shakened up a bit
(I'm the one who wrote the response above this one
Last but not least!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's an opinion but something that shouldn't be overlooked...Someone is getting paid. What I mean is, for tax rates in class 3 for these owners of the vacant lots (yeah I've done some research, TG for Internet)the Taxes only mean someone is getting paid. The longer we keep these house on the property the more someone is getting paid somewhere...I think I would call this process "Milking The Cow". Someone keeps saying that they'll make efforts but the efforts are slow. In till the city puts there foot in DCRA's ass everyones held responsible up top, including the mayor. We keep talking about making the city a better place...BS. I heard about the neighbor who put the flower on the vacant lot of the owners to make it a little more presentable and got suid for (don't know if the own won)....WHAT! You're penalizing a person for helping the owner OUT!.
The city is very swift on giving DC residents fines for many reasons. Bad enough they give owners who pay taxes, keep the place clean tickets on their cars that have zone stickers or if we RENT cars. Yet all the can say is they have to "follow policy" in fining these owners of vacant homes with fixed tax rates...please. Sounds like someone is stalling for something. If I lose a mother or she loses her house WHAT the City is going to send me an "I'm sorry for your lost, speak with your insurance company..." etc, signed by the Mayor!!!...all of them up top are a sad case.
sorry people, I'm just mad
I agree the problem is that these vaccant properties were purchased at such a low price back in the early 90's,so the tax penalty that is placed on the property is not that signifciant.I know this because I owned several in the neighborhood once upon a time.
That shouldn't matter with commercial properties, right? Those aren't subject to the same increase max that residential are, are they?
so does anyone know/have any suggestions what anon 3:58 (or others of us who live near vacant residences) can do?
Spellcheck? if they could just release a dirty bomb on the rest of the cred that hangs out on the corner of 12th and H Streets we would all be in much better shape. Police and ambulances come here weekly for dirty nasty homeless people who have shit in their pants because they overdosed or drank too much. I say pick them all up on a bus and put them in North Dakota
The vacant residentials are subject to the same increase. The increases are only limited due to the Homestead exemption.
I agree with Blackhoros, (btw that would make a good username), in that the situation has been allowed to linger far too long with vacant properties. I have vacant property next to me and I call the city constantly to complain. Contact your anc Commissioner, mine is Tina and she is pretty on top of things in getting vacant property reported and taxed correctly. The problem is that the city doesn't always get around to taxing those properties properly.
Blackhoros, you need to keep calling the vacant property office and report violations on the house. It isn't perfect but eventually, the city will start fining them.
Those same folks that look like dead bodies at the corner of 12 & H also hang in front of a house on 12th..sitting on the sidewalk. Every time I walk by them I have to hold my breath say hi and walk faster. The stench from them is horrible. Some cities are taking action and sending homeless on one way journeys out of town..maybe DC should also.
Call your council member and here is Ms. Argo's info.
Linda K. Argo
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
District of Columbia Government
941 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 9500
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 442-8934 (phone)
(202) 442-9445 (fax)
She is very good at dealing with these properties and the cost of securing them is passed on to the owner. Councilman Wells' staff helped makes sure there was followup as well.
what was the address of the problem property?
if the problems you discuss are visible from the outside, perhaps any posters here who live in your immediate area can contact DCRA as well, so your complaints get "the power of numbers"
Speaking of vacant property, I've contacted 6aANC Rep and the city about the Capitol Hill Oasis Apartment complex at 12th & Florida Ave NE. I've also emailed Donice Jeter from L&F from the sign...again crickets. The chain link fence has been around this block and 1/2 constructed complex for about two years and as far as I can tell nothing happening. Does anyone know the current status? or who would know? Thanks
Speaking of vacant properties. Has anyone walked through the alley connecting 5th St NE and 6th St NE close to H street? The foundation is boarded up with wood that is deteriorating. There are holes in the wood and I'm sure critters are entering the house. Repeated calls to the DCRA produce no results. If this foundation caves in it will affect he attached rowhouses. The homeowner should be continously fined until he fixes the property.Does anynone know how to get results from the vacant housing authorites?
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