Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Unsuck Metro: Numbers Throwdown

Unsuck Metro recently posted recorded snippets of a WAML interview with Metro spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein in which she discussed ridership numbers and the Examiner article claiming ridership is down significantly since the deadly June crash. Obviously the crash remains a very sore spot for Metro, what with the early attempts to blame it all on driver error not panning out so well. Farbstein seems to be cruising along just fine, and even provides her own numbers for ridership. Then the interviewer asks here where the Examiner got its numbers and apparently this causes some part of her brain to explode. She actually says "F*** their numbers is where it came from. You wanna quote me on that?" No word on whether she tapped her chest and aggressively moved forward while speaking.

A comment left here say she actually said something about numbers coming out of someone's ass. I have a hard time telling from the bleeped recording.


ro said...

the ``bleep'' they used was absolutely hilarious. anyway, this person should be fired. can't believe a spokesperson would ever say something like that publicly. but i guess it says a lot about how Metro views the public

inked said...

It was pretty funny. The thing is she does live interviews all the time, and I've never seen/heard her do anything like that. I guess she was trying to be funny...FAIL.

Anonymous said...

Metro needs a thorough housecleaning. It has become a safe harbor for lazy, incompetent people who only get jobs there because they "know" someone. It's even worse than the DC government now.

Alan Page said...

um, what?

i don't even want to click that link because that's so mind numbingly stupid, i fear it will damage my brain if i listen to it.

a metro spokesperson? cursed on live radio? really?

inked, don't give her credit of saying she tried to be funny. that is just...ridiculous. she could have said no comment. sigh.

Alan Page said...

awww, who i am kidding?

i had to listen


them using the door chimes as a bleep is CLASSIC

she sounds very serious. that makes me sad. so disrespectful. i think i'll send an email to councilperson evans. he sits on the metro board, doesn't he?

Kenny G said...

Sorry, Inked, but you got the expletive wrong.

She said, "Up their ass is where it came from, you wanna quote me on that?"

Actually pretty f[ding-dong,ding-dong]ing funny.

inked said...

Ooh, hard to tell with that bleeping. I was so sure I had it right.