
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cold Beer and Wine

I'm finally starting to shake off this virus, and I was looking back at the recent additions to the Frozen Tropics Flickr pool when I saw the photo below, and had to laugh. Thanks to Flickr user Moravsky Vrabec (Moravian Sparrow?) for sharing.
Big snow Dec. 2009-H St and Trinidad
In case you don't recogize it, this is the sign outside of Jumbo Liquor in the 1100 block of H Street.


  1. Yeah, Moravsky Vrabec translates literally to Moravian sparrow but it's the name of my favorite Czech dish. Google Moravsky Vrabec recipe for a tasty central European treat (very not-vegan... :-)

  2. has anyone actually purchased anything from this joint? if so... what's your experience?


Guys, please be polite. Remember that these people are your neighbors. I ask also that anonymous users leave some kind of tag [e.g. big green cat] for the sake of being able to follow a thread. Be respectful and have fun.