
Saturday, December 26, 2009

History Related Thoughts

Due to cancelled flights, I'm stuck out of town, and in flight delay hell.  But I am managing to make some use of the time by working on a little more history research.  I'm not going to bother just tossing about a bunch of links at the moment, but I did want to reference a site that I've mentioned before:

Cokinos Girl Blog ("Washington DC: My Hometown). This is an interesting blog written by a woman who grew up in DC, and it covers her family's history, which happens to include H Street, Trinidad, and other stuff nearby.  Here's a link to some of the H Street stuff.

I fixed the typos. Cancelled flights meant a bit of sleep cycle disruption. When I'm tired, I can't spell.

1 comment:

  1. after my last few airline experiences, i'm not trying to set foot in an airport ever again if i can help it. sigh. good luck.


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