
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Filling Those Vacant ANC Seats

We have two local races of interest here. One is for the 5B06 seat vacated by Wilhelmina Lawson. Here's who's running:

Bernice Hall-Gates
George Jackson
Tontalya Terceiro-Wright
Thalia Wiggins

Election to be held Thursday, January 21st at 7:00pm at Joseph Cole Recreation Center.

They are also holding a candidates forum:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5B
Thursday, January 14, 2010
7:00 TO 8:30 PM
Joseph H. Cole Recreation
1200 Morse Street NE

The second is for the 6A02 seat vacated by Joseph Fengler. Here's who's running:

Drew Ronnenberg
Robert Pittman

The election will be held at the February ANC meeting.
2nd Thursday, February 11, 7 p.m.
Miner E.S., 601 15th St. NE

It's very important that people show up to these meetings and actually vote. Really, it can all come down to 1 or 2 votes.

Information on both of the 6A candidates is widely available on the internet. Not so for the 5B candidates. So Google around, ask around, and attend the ANC meeting because they will probably give short speeches. If any of the candidates wishes to send me a short statement/bio I can post it. The following is a small amount of info on the candidates that I either know, or managed to find online:

ANC 5B06:

Bernice Hall-Gates: I swear that DCBOEE says the name is Hall-Gates, but it always pops up as Gates-Hall everywhere else. She's listed as the contact person for the religious non-profit Family Healing Headquarters, Inc. Be careful with Google because this is a more common name that it seems and there is at least one other Bernice Gates in some old newspaper stories. I don't know if it's same person.

George Jackson: a former ANC for 5B05. He was elected ANC 5B Vice-Chair in 2002. Jackson also pops up in a challenge to the validity of signatures for ANC 5B09 candidate Joan Black. The complaint was dismissed when both parties failed to appear for the hearing. He also served as the PTA President for Webb Elementary, and was involved with other groups working with local recreation centers. Some of the facts here come from Jackson's candidate information he provided when running for a Board position with the Trinidad Neighborhood Association.

Tontalya Terceiro-Wright: a former ANC for 8A02. She ran as an independent for the Ward 5 seat last time around.

Thalia Wiggins: a student who I know through various neighborhood activities. She's long been interested in neighborhood affairs, and works hard. I've known her about six years.

*Give me tonight to see what else I can figure out, because I'd like to provide a bit more info for the crew in ANC 5B.

ANC 6A02:

Drew Ronnenberg: current Chair of the ANC 6A Economic Development and Zoning Commission. Ronnenberg's been heavily involved in the community for quite a while now. He's very accomplished, and I think he's the natural choice to succeed Joseph Fengler.

Bobby Pittman: a well-known local figure. Pittman currently serves as Co-Coordinator of PSA 102. He's a former ANC in Adams Morgan.  There's a notable quote from Pittman in that 1997 City Paper Article on a liquor task force. He's talking about the owner of Adams Morgan, and how Pittman feels that "the city's liquor regulators have helped [the owner]." Pittman's quote: "To him it's just a game. It makes you feel...I don't want to say raped. I want to say vulnerable." There was also the key incident where Pittman refused to give up his office to his newly sworn in replacement. His work with PSA 102 is great, but he has an out there streak that I think makes him a poor choice for Commissioner.


  1. Where can we get info on the candidates?

  2. ohhhhh, I hope Bobby Pittman wins. That would make ANC6A meetings very interesting indeed.

  3. This is the same Bobby Pittman who tried to block the H Street festival, right? Wowza.

  4. I hope the City Paper cover the Pittman race.
    He used to be an ANC commissioner in NW and was such a "positive" influence that he was voted out of office. CP had stories about the chaos that ensued when he refused to relinquish keys and records.

    Last year, CP named ANC6a the "Best ANC in the City," and named Fengler as a reason for it. They cited the strong committee system. Ronnenberg has been chairman of the Zoning and Economic Development Committee which has done an incredibly good job on H Street, working effectively with developers to keep things under control.

  5. Well, I only know two of the people in the 5B06 race: Tontalya & Thalia.

    Thalia is young, but very committed to the neighborhood and also just a generally driven and enthusiastic woman.

    Tontalya, on the other hand, just seems a I'll avoid any speculation or accusations, but I have some real concerns about her representing my ANC.

  6. Just say NO to Bobby Pittman

  7. Concerned said:

    If elected, how can someone as anti-liquor and anti-development like Bobby Pittman vote on these issues with a straight-face?

    Please call Tommy Wells, council member, and voice your concern about Bobby Pittman as an ANC member. He is a party of many voluntary agreements with liquor licenses and should have to recuse himself from many issues if elected.

    Also, call Gottlieb Simon, ANC liaison and voice this concern. H Street has worked so hard to get on the map. Bobby on the ANC would turn every meeting into a laughingstock. The tone and quality of the debate on the development of H street would go quickly down the toliet.


  8. You have live within the ANC602 district right? Who will be checking this? I'd hope that it will be an official election board person.

  9. Yesm Pittman is the person who singlehandedly almost killed the festival last year. NO TO BOBBY! We have to show up to vote against him! Everyone-- PLEASE make a note of the date and show up to vote against this person!!!!!!!!!

  10. The story of the stand-off in the ANC office in NW when Pittman refused to relinquish his position after being voted out of office is included in this Loose Lips column from the City Paper. The cops were called.
    Second article.

  11. I'd like to second (third?) the recommendation of Thalia Wiggins for 5B06. She is smart, responsible and hardworking. I wish I was still her neighbor so I could vote for her!

  12. kick pittman to the curbJan 5, 2010, 4:11:00 PM

    Is this the kind of guy you want to be in charge of our neighborhood? Over the summer at a Fengler sponsored community meeting on parking, Pittman told me that because I had only lived in the neighborhood for 2 years that I was "too new" to be allowed an oppinion. That's not democracy. That's not how the ANC should be run. Drew, please post information about how we can help you to beat Pittman.

  13. For more information on the commitment that DREW RONNEBERG has to the local neighborhood, and most importantly ANC6a, read the latest edition of the Hill Rag!

  14. Bobby also has opposed street cars for the last several years.

  15. To the residents of ANC 6A02,

    I would like to formally announce my candidacy for the ANC 6A02 Commissioner seat recently vacated by Joe Fengler. Under Joe's leadership, residents of 6A02 have come to expect efficient,effective and transparent government, and filling Joe's shoes will be a big task.

    I believe that I am capable of meeting this challenge.

    Since 2003, I have been a citizen volunteer for ANC 6A and have served as Chairman of the ANC Economic Development and Zoning (ED&Z) Committee since 2006. As Chairman of the ED&Z committee, I have worked on dozens of issues to bring economic development to the H Street Corridor and keep our residential neighborhood safe, vibrant and pedestrian friendly. For example, I helped negotiated the proposed redevelopment of H Street Connection strip mall between 8th and 10th St NE. I believe that the proposed building will achieve our goals of promoting a pedestrian friendly streetscape while attracting new residents and retail establishments to our neighborhood. In addition, I have worked to reduce the number of vacant properties in our neighborhood. Ensuring vacant properties are occupied reduces problems with drug dealing and vagrancy; making our communities safer and stronger.

    If elected Commissioner I will:

    1) Address recent crime issues in the ANC 6A by
    a) getting information to residents when crimes occur in their neighborhood;
    b) helping organize residents to fight crime through regular meetings with beat officers in our neighborhood; and
    c) ensuring that high crime areas receive increased police surveillance.

    2) Continue ANC 6A's efforts to revitalize the H Street Corridor by
    a) increasing police presence on H Street during evening hours by requiring new businesses to contribute to the recently enacted reimbursable detail for off-duty officers as part of their voluntary agreement for alcohol licenses;
    b) supporting the redevelopment of the H Street Connection based on current designs and community amenities;
    c) working with local business owners to reoccupy vacant buildings leveraging the untapped $25 million in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds for H Street;
    d) exploring the formation of an H Street Historic District that will preserve the Corridor's historic buildings without unduly impacting property owners; and,
    e) actively working with the DDOT to make sure that Mayor Fenty's pledge to have streetcars running on H Street by 2011 is a reality.

    3) Reduce the parking pressures on the surrounding community by
    a) working with the police and H Street bars and restaurants to ensure that valets do not use neighborhood streets for parking;
    b) helping residents restrict parking on affected neighbor streets to resident-only parking; and
    c) working with parking enforcement to ensure that parking restrictions are enforced on neighborhood streets.

    I look forward to the opportunity of serving as your Commissioner, and fighting on your behalf for a better, safer neighborhood. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

    I can be reached at or 202 431-4305.

    Best regards,

    Drew Ronneberg

  16. For those interested in the 6A02 special election:

    In order to vote in the February election, you need to be a live within the boundaries of 8th to 13th St between H St and G St or 8th to 12th St between G St and E St.

    If you are a resident of ANC 6A02, please come and vote in the special election that will take place at the February ANC meeting. A special election for an ANC seat typically has voter turnout of 1/10 to 1/20 of a normal election, so the saying that "every votes counts" applies even more so in this situation. If you live outside of these boundaries but know someone who lives within ANC 6A02, please encourage them to come out for the election.

    ANC 6A has been well organized and effective for the last 7 years and I want to continue this kind of
    neighborhood representation.


  17. Found this in the ANC 6A yahoo group achieves. Bobby Pittman - who is the president of the Linden Neighborhood Association - told the DC Council his organization opposed the H Street Overlay Plan! The H Street Overlay was the document that the H Street Redevelopment Plan was based on. Yes, the plan where the city is now spending $35 million to fix H Street. It is a long read, but it is very instructive as to what kind of person Bobby Pittman is. If was Commissioner back then, we wouldn't have any H Street Revitalization funding. I guess the ANC won that fight! Despite Bobby.

    From: linexchang
    To: Joseph Fengler
    Cc: ANC 6A Open ;
    Sent: Thu, July 7, 2005 9:27:27 AM
    Subject: H Street Overlay Plan A Bad idea

    Generally, we don't reply but in this case ANC 6A, an uncontested duly elected commissioner did not and has never asked the opinions of all of the residents on Linden Place and surrounding Streets. The majority of people don't even know who Joe Fengler is or how an ANC worked so closely with an Office of Planning that the majority of ANC's agree is promoting their own agenda and not that of communities. As with most of the issues that ANC 6A has chosen to pursue, it is without in depth thought knowledge or experience. Our concern that ANC 6A does not have the ability to be effective because it relieves on a lack of institutional knowledge and information.

    If we thought that the Plan was workable, we would have adopted it, but we don't believe it has value. It will and has led to minimal attraction of low level businesses that don't add to the growth potential that many of us know can take place along the corridor. What ANC 6A has failed to mention is that the developers also testified at the Zoning Commission and they are against this plan. Why in the world would the Mayor and City Council support a plan that the very people we need to come to the table with dollars are stating that its not good business sense to implement this type of nodal plan? The information that we have seem circulated has been viewed silently and we chuckle at the thought that an ANC elected to represent all opinions would go out on a limb again on an issue that is not supported by city government.

    Joe and his fellow commissioners live comfortably away with Joe residing on F Street. This issue is way beyond ANC 6A and their ability to pick a pointless fight. If ANC 6A which did champion this plan on their own loses this fight at least it will be consistent with their track record. ANC 6A has not lost because they presented a solid argument, they have lost because for other reasons that they never reveal to the community. The minutes of ANC 6A only reflects the 'high road' and never tells what really happened or why. No further comment will be provided via email. Linden Neighborhood Association,

  18. Unwilling Linden Neighborhood Association MemberJan 5, 2010, 8:59:00 PM

    Per Anon 5:36... Yes, Bobby is the "president" of the Linden Neighborhood Association. As a resident of the Linden neighborhood, I have confirm for everyone that there has never been a meeting to my (or my neighbors) knowledge. No one is aware of how or how or when Bobby's election took place. More importantly, there is no information available to the residents of the Linden Neighborhood (who by default are "members" of this association) about how Bobby could be overthrown so that he can stop using our neighborhood as validation for his insanity. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE everyone-- go vote and vote for Drew!!

  19. What gives Pittman any authority to speak for the community? Yet here's a photo of him on the DDOT website, "discussing Community Respect protocols" in a meeting with MACTEC, the company in charge of the H St construction.

    Who decides the participants of these meetings anyway? Nobody from Atlas Theater. None of the people who have put their own money into the revitalization of H Street. No one from ANC6a.
    Pittman represents no one. Why is he there?

  20. Guys,
    I just saw and deleted a post that compared a particular candidate's personality traits to that of an early 1990s spree killer. It's one thing to dislike a persons views, or actions. It's another to compare him/her to a murderer. Can we please confine our comments to stuff actually related to the election?

  21. Joe Englert said:

    If Bobby Pittman is elected, I will do everything in my power as an individual, business owner and board member of several professional organizations on H to officially have Bobby recused from any ABC or business development case brought before the ANC.

    Mr Pittman has been erratic at best in his behavior in many of our dealings.

    Only the flawed voluntary agreement law (even though it can be an effective tool to curb problem applicants by serious parties.) has kept Mr. Pittman relevant.

    On numerous occacions, Mr. Pittman has been combative, threatening and intimidating to my employees, especially females.

    He has used his position as area police coordinator to harrass several of my businesses, especially when it comes to loading zone issues.

    He has told me that several of my businesses on the street shouldn't be there because they are "too small", including Red and the Black and Granville Moore's.

    Mr. Pittman has even surprisingly asked me if there were investment opportunities in my projects.

    As much as a hassle as it is, a large number of business owners will be present at every ANC meeting, either as a whole or committee dealing with liquor or business issues if Mr. Pittman is elected. We will hire legal counsel to contest any pertinant case in which Mr. Pittman does not recuse himself. This is going to cost our local ANC untold legal bills and headaches.

    Of course businesses must be responsible. But Mr. Pittman's badgering, ill-will, willy-nilly prattering and constant ngeativiity will have a long-range effect on local politics.

    A vote for Bobby will bring us a long, hard crazy fight. Believe me, the local businesses have spent millions of dollars and thousands of hours for our cause. We will fight long and hard for our rights.

    And our memories are very sharp.

  22. Hello ,
    I live in the neighborhood and I am interested in helping out where can I find out more.

  23. 12:40,
    do your research on the candidates, and then show up to vote.

  24. Apparently Mr. Bobby Pittman doesn’t believe ANC 6A should exercise the right to retain legal council to help enforce voluntary agreements. Mr. Pittman sought an opinion from the DC Auditor if ANC 6A could use a lawyer to represent the concerns of their residents in front of the ABC Board regarding establishing a standard voluntary agreements for Class A and Class B liquor licenses. The Auditor not only found this to be a proper use of funds, but also indicated that such a ruling would micromanage ANCs from properly representing their constituents.

    Here is the link to the Auditor ruling:

    I wonder what Mr. Pittman thinks of using standard voluntary agreement? Does he support ANCs ability to limit single sales of beer? I believe it was ANC 6A that worked with the DC Council to create a law that allows Ward 6 ANCs to limit the sale of singles based on community concerns. Does Mr. Pittman support that law?

    These are the questions we need BOTH candidates to answer.

  25. Bobby Pittman is a repressed (and closeted) homosexual male. This is what fuels his hostility and attraction to our men in uniform!

  26. Looks like Bobby, as a republican, ran for office before:

    Mayor’s race 2002 -

    DC council in 2004 -

    He took the time to answer the GLAA 2004 Questionnaire and was given a score of 2 out of a possible 10 -

    Here is a written statement he submitted to channel 9 for his candidacy for DC Council -

  27. Fan of Englert finds more Pittman Harassment, from VOTH SEP 04: New Lounge Cited for Improper Permit Sign Posting

    ANC 6A announced that the new lounge Rose's Bar & Dream was cited for not having the proper signage posted advertising its temporary alcohol permit at the establishment on H Street, NE. According to Commissioner Joseph Fengler, Robert Pittman of the Linden Neighborhood Association noticed that the placard notifying customers and nearby businesses for its liquor request wasn't posted on the first-floor window it was supposed to be affixed to.

    Therefore, an inspector from the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) was notified, who cited the bar an additional 45 days of temporary access, said agency general counsel Fred Mossally, who added that the agency received the tip anonymously. But Rose's co-owners Veronica and Danny Roberts said the sign was always there, and that this was just a way Pittman delayed the establishment's approval of a permanent license because he missed the protest deadline and wanted to extend the temporary timeframe so he can submit his protest with ABRA.

    "The sign was there from day one," Veronica Roberts told the Voice. Someone posted another sign on the outside of the door that covered the ABRA sign, she said. When asked by the Voice why he wants to protest the establishment, Pittman referred all inquires to Moosally and the ABRA website,, to get copies of his complaints. None are posted. Pittman would not confirm Roberts' or Fengler's statements or offer any other clarifications of his alleged actions. Mossally said there hasn't been any protest made against the establishment yet. Roberts said he hasn't received any notification of a protest.

    The proprietors inked a voluntary agreement with ANC 6A last month, which asks that the ground surrounding the establishment be kept clean, limits noise pollution, and calls for a good-faith effort to obey all city ordinances. The Robertses say Pittman wants them to sign a 12-page agreement with his group that is similar to the ANC agreement, and if they don't, he will file a protest with ABRA. Pittman couldn't be reached for a comment.
    "He wants to strangle us to sign a collective agreement with him," Danny Roberts said, who said his attorney has been talking to Pittman about the issue. Roberts said that since he has signed an agreement with the ANC requiring him to be a good neighbor and to notify them of any potential problems, there's no need for the second one.

    What can happen is that when the second 45•day temporary license period expires, and if there is an open protest on the books, Rose's Bar & Dream can be denied a permanent license by ABRA because of that protest and would have to close.
    "We already have an agreement with the ANC," Veronica Roberts said. "We're stuck in the middle. If we don't sign his agreement, he's going to make it harder on us."
    The Alcohol Beverage Control Board (ABC)- which decides who gets licenses and sets other ABRA policies-is slated to re-evaluate Rose's permit in mid-October.
    Fengler said if businesses are going to be forced into signing agreements, then redevelopment along H Street is going to be hurt.
    "H Street is being hijacked by a handful of people," he said. Commissioner Nick Alberti said Pittman's actions were "excessively onerous," and that it's "putting even more pressure on those businesses." Commissioner Jessica Ward called the action "extremely disappointing." Meanwhile, Mossally confirmed that Pittman dropped his protest with Phish Tea, another new establishment along H Street, after they signed his agreement.
    According to protest papers filed with ABRA, Pittman and a handful of other residents opposed the new eatery because of "adverse impact of peace, quiet and order; adverse impact on property values; adverse impact on parking."

  28. Wondering why says...
    A republican running for Mayor in DC, that is a smart politician! Seems like this guy likes to run for office every few years. Started with Mayor, then DC Council and now he is trying to run for Commission seat. He seems to have a lot of time on his hands. I wonder if he works? Or perhaps he is retired?

  29. I am with Joe on this one. Bobby be bad for H street NE.

  30. Poo Poo,
    keep your comments to matters relating to the election, or I will delete them.

  31. Englert fan continues…more Pittman antics from VOTH SEP 05 - Residents buck H Street booze licenses

    A handful of residents filed formal protest with the city over the applications for eight liquor licenses for bars and restaurants along H Street in Northeast.
    Entrepreneur Joe Englert said he would address concerns outlined in protests to the Alcoholic Beverages Regulation Administration. Englert signed voluntary agreements with the governing Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A that hashes many of the concerns worrying the residents.

    Robert Pittman, who heads the Linden Park Neighborhood Association, along with Robert Axelrod, Lisa Greene, Cherie Mitchell, Helen Wood, Susan Vasquez and Jeri Denni, sent form letters to the city’s alcohol regulatory agency protesting the licenses for: The Argonaut; the Beehive; the Rock and Roll Hotel; the Pug; and Dr. Granville Moore’s Brickyard; the Olympic; Show Bar; and the H Street Martini Lounge, all which are planned for the 1200-1400 block of H Street.

    Among the list of concerns cited by the residents is an “over concentration” of bars and restaurants on the street, an “adverse impact on peace, order and quiet” and an “adverse impact on property values.” Pittman did not return an e-mail asking for comment on the matter. Englert, who also owns Capitol Lounge and Politiki on Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, said when he met with Pittman that he expressed concerns about noise, parking and quality of life issues resulting from an influx of restaurants in the area. But Englert added that the city’s plan for redevelopment of areas like H Street calls for establishments that will make the neighborhood safer and more economically viable and the taverns are slated for the so-called Entertainment District on H Street.

    Englert was confident that both parties would work things out. “I fully expect that we will come to some voluntary agreement,” he said. “Everything is doable to me … as long as people are reasonable about a couple of concessions.” According to the city’s plan for H Street, development in the area should promote a “safe, attractive destination offering a unique combination of neighborhood goods and services; places to live, work, shop and eat; and settings for cultural enrichment and entertainment.” Asked why he thought Pittman and the others filed a protest after the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A had already approved the inked voluntary agreements with the owner, Englert said, “They just want their voice in this thing.”

    This is not the first time Pittman has challenged alcohol licenses for restaurants and bars that have already been approved by advisory commission. Last year Pittman filed protests against Phish Tea and Rose Dream Bar and Restaurant after the commission had entered into a voluntary agreement with the owner. Both owners relented and entered into separate agreements with Pittman. Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A chairman Joe Fengler said that while Pittman is within his rights to protest the license, he hopes in the future that Pittman will make his concerns known when the commission is reviewing the license. “The ANC has a public, very open process,” Fengler said. “It’s kind of unfortunate that Mr. Pittman never avails himself of the ANC public meeting process.”

    Fengler said the commission has a long history of community involvement, and takes all resident’s concerns into account through a community concern process before entering into a voluntary agreement. He noted that when Englert came before the committee to discuss the license applications, over 70 community members attended. “We know what type of establishments these are going to be,” Fengler said, adding that provisions on sound, lighting and cleanliness are included in the agreements.

  32. More from the fan of Englert...VOTH OCT 04

    Pittman Actions Prompt
    Dear Voice of the Hill: I am growing increasingly concerned by the actions of Robert Pittman as he carries out his crusade against the businesses that are struggling to establish themselves in our neighborhood. Whose interests does he represent with his protests and agreements? His previous complaints against Phish Tea CafĂ© were completely unwarranted. He referred to loud noise and music that was disturbing the neighborhood. I live immediately behind Phish Tea and have never once heard any loud noise emanating from the establishment. So now, Rose’s has come into his cross-hairs. What’s next? Will he try to drive the H Street Playhouse and Atlas Performing Arts Center out of the neighborhood? I appreciate the fact that people in our neighborhood are concerned about how new businesses might impact our quality of life, but protests should only be mounted by the community as a whole, not by individuals trying to further their political interests.

  33. inked, that "poo poo" was not the REAL poopster. i can be brash, but that was uncalled for. it's someone trolling w/my name.

    *my* comment is that we all need to get out and vote! this is VERY serious indeed. as a community, we stand a chance to fall back on so much of the progress that has been made over the years.

    ugh. i agree with the previous poster, where is dennis leary when you need him??!!

  34. Ok, so everyone should vote for Drew. Bobby seems misguided and somewhat troubled. He's no where near as bad as Jordan Washington though. Don't ever sign anything in support of him or his group, he is a total fraud, in it only for himself and no longer a resident of the neighborhood.

  35. I know this is old. but I have a question....IS Tontalya Terceiro, the same exotic dancer, TONTO? CHECK IT OUT. THE ANSWER WILL SURPRISE YOU.

    1. Tontalya Terceiro the Lady you are and has refused to as a dancer was a real performer shes a Lady the first BLACK American Female that started a Corpatration at the age of 17 headed by her step mother and guardian Ms. Valerie Ann Edwards yes she is a family member of Fenton Farm The Edwards. We qill see all of you well adless some of you in 2020 any other commits email


Guys, please be polite. Remember that these people are your neighbors. I ask also that anonymous users leave some kind of tag [e.g. big green cat] for the sake of being able to follow a thread. Be respectful and have fun.