
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Living Social: $20=$45 @Rock & Roll Hotel

Get your certificate here.


  1. Off topic: I hate the new changes to the D8 and D4 bus lines. Does anybody have an opinion!

  2. Well, I think the D4 change makes a lot of sense it helps transport people in need from down town to shelter. And it seems great for getting people from Trinidad downtown w/o having to go to Union Station. I wish it went to the navy yard, because I hate diving to work and at 17 my car really doesn't like cold mornings

  3. The limited window for the D3 coming home really puts a strain on me. Even if they extended it on the back end another 30-45 minutes, it would help me a lot. I don't understand starting it around 3:02p with last pick up on that end (west) at 5:45p. If they have to limit it that much why not 3:30 and 6:15 or 4 pm and 6:45?

    In the AM I can understand starting at 6:05a in the East, but still, ending it at 9:15a? It should got until at least 10a.

  4. It’s so amazing to me when traveling on the D8 bus how the side street to your left and right is so full of trash looking down the alley the same and folks are buying home in this area for $300.000 and up unbelievable. When for bus stop at 12th Trinidad Ave I saw kids trying to cross the street with no cross guard or a police officer. Once I arrive at the RI subway O may God trash of cigarettes buds all over the place at subway station. I would like for Councilmember Thomson to take a bus ride with me down Trinidad Ave one day so can see all of the trash in those side streets and alleys. It’s a total diffent world.


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