
Monday, January 18, 2010

Wine Store Open in 400 Block of H?

I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but a comment left by reader Derek indicates that the new wine shop scheduled to go in next to Sidamo is now open for business.


  1. I stopped by today after going to Sidamo. Still a strong paint smell, but the place looks great. No liquor yet, but it will be there soon. They're hoping for a deli in the back, with outdoor seating in the back. Exciting stuff!

  2. *sings bob marley's 'red, red wine' loudly for no reason*

    welcome to the neighborhood!!!

  3. Off topic; Rocket Bar coming to the old Pap and Petey's? I looked inside today and saw a rocket sign hanging up on the wall.

  4. poo hits the rite aid and discovers a wine storeJan 18, 2010, 9:24:00 PM

    soul searcher earns one GIANT gold star for the link!

    way to taper off the night....

    i rode past the wine store this afternoon. they were in full swing, ironing out the details. it really looked awesome inside (they had the doors open).this was totally off the radar for me, and one helluva surprise today. good news!

    speaking of which, i'm by senate square.. where was i going when i passed the new wine store? rite aid. yup. rite aid. it's closer than CVS, and gets the job done. having said that, there is some utility for a drugstore on H. i think inked even posted some old pix of a drugstore on H way back in the 1930s.

    i'm just saying... a drugstore on h has precedent, and i personally find one to be usefull.

    that's all.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The store of which you speak is "Capital Fine Wines & Spirits", previously known as Kelly's Liquors. The owner had the license in safekeeping and has promised to provide the community with an "upscale store". Do they really think they can compete with Schneiders', which is only a few blocks north?

    Last I heard Pap and Petey's is returning from the dead as "Toyland", named for the toystore that was there up until the 1970s (scour for photographs). [REDACTED]

    There used to be a drugstore in the 500-block of H Street, methinks...another one of the People's Drug places?

    Jan 18, 2010 10:37:00 PM

  6. Hey, I just reposed most of an anonymous comment. Just a reminder, no libeling anyone. Don't compare them to spree killers, call them drug users/alcoholics, or claim they were fired when they weren't.

  7. I just took a look in the wine store and they look open to me.

    Also, there is sign INSIDE the old Pap and Petey's that says "Rocket." However, I do not this is the Rocket bar.

  8. Add mine to the eyes that saw CFW&S open today.
    I didn't actually go in, but I did see a guy smiling behind the counter and warmly welcoming another customer, along with shelves full of wine bottles.

  9. Toyland had some kind of soft- opening this weekend. I stopped in for a drink on Friday night. The people behind the bar seemed friendly. Hope this place does well.

  10. Inked -- Yes, a new liquor store could potentially compete with Schneiders. Schneiders sells a lot of high end wine and beer, and a store that offers a better "under $20" wine selection could do well. In other words, a wine selection similar to that offered by Harris Teeter would be a good target for the store. Moreover, the line is usually pretty long in Schneiders given the small size of the place.

  11. Competing with Schneiders will be difficult.

    But I don't see why it couldn't be done.

    One small item? They could carry plenty of mixers - juices, etc. I love Schneiders, but I usually have to go elsewhere to get my juices or mixers, which I've always thought was odd.

    But otherwise they could learn a lot from Schneiders. Best customer service in town. They will often recommend a less-expensive option over a more well-known brand, and they've never steered me wrong.

    I've never experienced a particularly long wait there. Sure, sometimes you can be several people back in line. But it moves very quickly.

  12. For anyone whose been to the new liquor store--do they sell beer as well? And, if so, is it also "high end", a la Schneiders?

  13. I really don't see them competing with Schneiders but going against the corner stores that sell wine and beer. I don't know if they will be selling beer, but I do know that they are planning to have spirits.

    I recall being at the community meeting and there was a concern of lottery tickets being sold there cause it would produce trash on the street. I'm not really buying it at all. There is an earlier post about the community meeting on FT. I guess sometime needs to be spent finding it.

    Also, isn't there already a Rocket Bar? It is in Chinatown, right? I am not lawyer but isn't it illegal to have the same name of an establishment in the same city or state?

  14. Derek-

    The name is "Toyland" not Rocket Bar as someone mentioned earlier.

    There is a Sculpture on the wall that says "Rocket", the meaning behind it I'm not sure, maybe just piece of art?

  15. There used to be a drugstore in the 500-block of H Street, methinks...another one of the People's Drug places?

    Yep, it was a Peoples Drug.

  16. I know it is called Toyland. I spoke to Dave early Dec and he told me that. I had even posted that some time ago on an earlier post. It is other people making reference to Rocket Bar because of the sign behind the bar. I was only making conversation because I am procrastinating....

  17. Red Red Wine is a UB40 song. That just about sums up the problems in our hood. No one wants to research.

  18. Maybe I'm just getting old, but Red Red Wine is a Neil Diamond song. UB40 covered it. (covered it well, but covered it)

  19. LOL @ anyone on earth thinking Bob Marley would cover UB40.


    And then telling *me* to research?


    Pure f**kery.

  20. this is not to even mention that bob marley was already gone from this earth two years before the UB40 cover surfaced.

    And does said poster think Neil Diamond went forward in time, saw the UB40 version in 83, then returned back to the 60s to record his version? Haha!


    The Internet never ceases to amaze me.

  21. I really hope the neighborhood supports Capital Fine Wines & Spirits...otherwise they will revert to selling malt liquor, fermented wines, and tall-boy two-packs!

  22. Well, I am record with not really liking Schneiders. I've found their recommendations ill-conceived. I still like Litteri's the best for wine, but if they can get a quality selection of $10-20 wines, that would be great. Even better is if they would specialize in a specific region.

  23. @ James--

    We stopped by Capital Fine Wines yesterday and they do indeed sell beer. It's a very mainstream selection right now--a lot of bud, miller, molson, guiness type stuff. The owner was enthusiastically soliciting advice so we wrote down some of our favorite craft and/or micro brews. I think eventually there will be something there to please a diverse crowd.

  24. 4th & G,
    you misunderstand. I didn't write that. As I wrote write under it, that was someone else's comment that I yanked part of for inappropriateness.

  25. the People's Drug was located in the space now occupied by Murray's.

    As for the wine store, my bet is by summer they will be catering to the drunks who used to pass out routinely on H St.

    The Rocket sign is recycled from the former laundramat now occupied by Bikram Yoga

  26. personally, i like ice cubes in my red wine, and my favorite version of that tune is tony tribe's version.
    white trash tonyt
    the pug

  27. Soul Searcher and Anon 9:50,

    I'm loving this moronic argument over who first performed Red Red Wine. It's a slow day at work and I need more entertainment. Please continue!! Poor Bob Marley must be turning over in his grave because of that idiotic YouTube posting you sent out, Soul Searcher. Classic..

  28. The Rocket sign is recycled from the former laundramat now occupied by Bikram Yoga

    I was thinking that might be the old "Rocket Cleaners" sign from across the street but hadn't seen it for myself; You can see the sign in it's original location in the Clint Eastwood movie "In the Line of Fire" right before Clint chases Malkovich across the rooftops.

  29. Indeed,
    the rocket sign is from the old dry cleaners.

  30. inked, any chance we can get a writeup on Toyland?

  31. I've spoken to one of the partners and was told that Toyland will have a soft opening this weekend for the neighborhood residents on Fri and Sat from 5p.m. - 1a.m.

    Right now only the bar is operational so no food will be available at this time.

  32. hey dolemite,

    happy to entertain

    i'm always willing to admit when i'm wrong

    and apparently i was terribly wrong in this case.


    ah well. good to f*ck up awfully every once and a while, it keeps one humble.

  33. Anonymous Jan 19, 2010 4:57:00 PM,

    Inked does not work for Toyland, so why would you request a write-up. I am sure Inked will post something when Toyland sends a press release. Until then, I suggest you go to soft opening and report your findings.

  34. The place is very cute. They have a notebook where they are taking suggestions for alcohol to offer. Please stop in and make some suggestions.

  35. Personally, I feel like schneiders does a good job recommending spirits, and a decent job with wine. I think litteri's wine selection isn't great and could be better. Also, I'm pretty sure there sauces have a lot of corn syrup as do most of their other foods.


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