
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ANC 6A02 Election Update

The latest word is that the meeting and election are still both on for tomorrow (from the listserv):


I wanted to follow-up and let you know that weather permitting (not snowing), we will move forward with our scheduled monthly meeting and the 6A02 elections. It is likely that Miner Elementary will b closed, but the Principal has agreed to allow us access to the school, although there may be some staff costs that may need to be covered, not to exceed $300.00.

If you could, please help get the word out, including posting to our web, listservs and other usual places. Thanks to you all for your patience as we deal with the unpredictability of this weather.

Should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this, please feel free to let me know.


Kelvin J. Robinson
Chair, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A
Commissioner, SMD 6A08
1606 A Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
202.744.0379 (m)
202. 547. 2430 (f)
Website: ~


  1. I asked this earlier, but it got buried under another discussion. I am a resident who wants to vote in this election, unfortunately I work during the election hours. Is there anyway I can place my vote? This is an important election and I don't want to not have a say. Help!

  2. G street resident,
    I think you have to be there in person because they will count the votes and swear in the new person that night. You can just go for a minute, but you have to actually go).

  3. that pretty much sucks for those of us who run businesses on h st. I live here, and I work here, because of both of those things this vote is important, but because I'm working I can't vote? shady

  4. Not shady. This is a special election. This is how vacant ANC commissioner are filled during general elections across the city.

    Would you prefer that the seat remain vacant? or maybe tens of thousands of dollars be spent on a more formal all day special election where a good turnout would be 50 people? Keep in mind that Fengler ran unopposed in the general election,yet only got a few hundred votes.Very few really even know that the ANC exists, or what it does.

  5. wylie street guy, where streets go unplowedFeb 11, 2010, 12:22:00 AM

    people in general just don't turn out for elections. i just read that only 14,000 people voted in the mayoral election in new orleans this past saturday.

    in light of that and knowing that snow will probably affect turnout (since many people might presume the election might not occur when they know miner is closed/the weather is disastrous), why not just delay this thing until next thursday? is that prevented by some sort of bylaws?

  6. There is no provision for absentee balloting for ANC special elections. Voters have to show up in person with proof of residency during a specific time period. Just the rules.

    If you can let someone take care of your business for about 20 minutes, you can get over to Miner to vote.

    This was posted on Frozen Tropics earlier this week:
    "In an effort to support Drew Ronnenberg's bid for ANC 6A02 Commissioner, we'd like to help people get to the polls! If you'd like a ride to or from Miner Elementary on the 11th, please call Scott: 202.460.7461."

    Scott can probably arrange to have someone pick you up, take you to Miner, and get you right back in a very short time.

  7. In the last election, Fengler didn't run unopposed. If I recall, it was a contested election with both candidates putting up signs and passing out flyers. Here were the results:

    Joseph V. Fengler had 630 votes for 65.08% of the total votes cast. Jabriel S. Ballentine had 334 votes for 34.50% of the total votes cast.

    Not that this matters, today's election will momre than likely be decided by less than 100 registered voters (compared to close to 1,000 that voted in the last election).

  8. Bobby didn't put the right address on his flyer (makes you wonder). But for those that are interested, here is the link:


Guys, please be polite. Remember that these people are your neighbors. I ask also that anonymous users leave some kind of tag [e.g. big green cat] for the sake of being able to follow a thread. Be respectful and have fun.