
Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Hill is Home: ANC 6A02 Special Election

The Hill is Home discusses the election, and interviews candidate Drew Ronneberg (candidate Bobby Pittman did not respond to a request to be interviewed).


  1. I'm assuming you have to live in that map overlay for 6A02 that was posted a couple days ago to vote in this thing...

  2. Yes, you must live in SMD 6A02 to vote in this election.

  3. don't live there, but walked aroundFeb 11, 2010, 2:14:00 PM

    i just met two people that said they are voting for pittman. TWO!

    they were shovelling, and i was being my inquisitive self, and had to ask.

    if you don't want pittman in, GO AND VOTE!

  4. I voted. When do we find out the results?

  5. Just got a text message from Drew. He won the election with 92 votes to Bobby's 14 votes. That is 87% of the vote! In my book, that is a landslide. The people have spoken - loud and clear. Congrats Drew! Way to go! And thanks to all that supported Drew.

  6. After days of weariness because of these freaking storms, finally, some good news.

    And thank you again, Mr. Fengler, for your service to the neighborhood.

  7. That's fantastic! We're new to the neighborhood and really relieved that this went the right way. Congrats to Drew and thanks to inked and the rest of the bloggers who made sure we all knew the facts on the candidates.

  8. So who were the 14? I want names! Just kidding. Congrats Drew. And Thanks Joe. You set a high bar for ANC Commissioners...speaking of bars...

  9. Thank god! That's some great news! Way to go Drew! Also, way to go neighborhood for defeating Pittman!!!

  10. The voters didn't "defeat" Pittman. They just kept him off the ANC, and got a good commissioner in Ronneberg.
    He'll still keep filing frivolous protests that cost the community time, energy, and money.

    Now the question is how to STOP him.
    Any ideas?

  11. We need to find another citizen coordinator for PSA 102. As long at Pittman has that position, we will continue to try and "speak" for the community. I wonder how the citizen coordinators are selected?

  12. Ancient Athens had a process where every year the community would scratch the name of an individual on an 'ostraka' (a broken shard of pottery). All the names were then collected and the person with the most nominations would be 'ostracized' (i.e. exiled) for a period of ten years...

  13. It was interesting to watch last night. During the discussion of the Beirgarten's voluntary agreement Bobby was watching anxiously...clearly wanting to speak. (He did ask one question while I was there.)

    Then they called for comments he makes a week attempt at hand raising, doesn't really try to attract attention, so they vote because no one could see him.

    This is likely what Joe was referring to, how he sat quietly through their meetings to only later file legal protests they need to waste time and money fighting.

  14. Here's what so destructive about Bobby: he claimed in his campaign material that "decisions are made behind closed doors," yet Biergarten Haus' VA has been discussed openly many times at the ABL committee meetings. Bobby attended those meetings and said nothing. He could easily have contributed to the VA - even though he doesn't live in the Single Member District (SMD) where BH is located.
    BH started construction in late August. The BH owner has been at the construction site daily, and going to the ABL committee and ANC meetings for months to make sure he worked well with the community on his VA.
    Why didn't Bobby raise any objections over all those opportunities?
    Bobby claims to know everything about H Street, but said last night at the ANC meeting that his neighbors hadn't "been notified" about the ABRA license application.
    He had every chance in the world.
    Wanna bet he files a protest?

    Just like he knew about the H Street Festival, an annual event that has been held for years. But he waited until the day before the Festival to file a protest.
    It almost got canceled because of his protest.

  15. Anon 6:34,

    If you actually cared that much about public safety and PSA 102, you would have gone to a PSA meeting at some point over the last 2+ years and seen that there already is another PSA 102 co-coordinator. Hence the "co" in co-coordinator. If you're going to jump on the Bobby-bashing bandwagon, check your facts first.


  16. 102 - Anon 6:34 didn't say an 'additional' PSA coordinator was needed. They said 'another' - i.e. a different - coordinator. As in, differen from Bobby.


Guys, please be polite. Remember that these people are your neighbors. I ask also that anonymous users leave some kind of tag [e.g. big green cat] for the sake of being able to follow a thread. Be respectful and have fun.