
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More on the ANC 6A02 Election

The Voice of the Hill recently ran this article that I missed until now.


  1. It is now 12:30 PM on Thursday. This election is scheduled to be held at the ANC6a meeting tonight at 7 PM.
    Will it be postponed? Is the ANC meeting canceled?

    Why hasn't Chairman Kelvin Robinson made a decision?
    There is no word on any of the local listserves. Nothing.

    The community needed to know hours ago.

  2. Calm down. This is Wednesday. Just can't wait to bash the guy can you?

  3. Anon 12:32 has lost track of the days.

  4. From Elizabeth Nelson (chair of the ANC 6A community out reach committe) on the ANC-6A listserv:
    ANC 6A will proceed with the planned meeting tomorrow night, 2/11 at 7 p.m. at Miner ES, 601 15th St. NE. Although DCPS is likely to be closed, the building will be opened for the meeting. The agenda is available on the website http://www.anc6a. org/agendas. html.
    There will be a special election to fill the vacancy created by Joseph Fengler's resignation from Single Member District 6A02. Details of the election are also available on the homepage http://www.anc6a. org/ANC6A02elect ion.pdf."


Guys, please be polite. Remember that these people are your neighbors. I ask also that anonymous users leave some kind of tag [e.g. big green cat] for the sake of being able to follow a thread. Be respectful and have fun.