
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nighttime Snow Shots

Flickr user lmno.p contributed these three cool shots of H and surrounding streets during the storm to the Frozen Tropics flickr pool. I'm partial to the one on G Street.
1300 H St, NE
1300 block of H Street
1300 G St, NE
1300 block of G Street
Linden Court, DC
Linden Court


  1. These are some wonderful shots. I love the black and white imagery.

  2. What's with all the overhead lines on Linden Court? What's the beef w/ the streetcar lines then?

  3. These are absolutely beautiful photos. At least something good came out of the snow storm :)

  4. Yes, that G Street picture is outstanding.

  5. Say, thanks for the compliments. Tri-X is really great for night time shots. I was able to handhold the camera and meter at ISO1600 as I was using Diafine to develop them.

    Snow was pretty for those couple days, but I don't care to see any more for a while. I've got motorcycles to ride.

  6. Tony you nailed it man, good work with the chemicals.

    And I agree, snow good coming down, bad afterward.

  7. I was relieved to see some great photography! I totally thought "Night time snow shots" meant I was about to read something alot worse.....


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