The AutoZone parking lot in a rare moment when it isn't packed with unlicensed "mechanics" dumping oil into the adjacent soil.
Because they are a super bad neighbor on H Street, and generally display zero interest in working with the community I feel the need to complain about this issue.
I don't usually advocate calling out a parent company around here (it doesn't often come up), but the AutoZone on H Street NE is a serious menace to the community. They openly allow, and even openly enable, and kind of encourage, people to work on cars in their lot (despite signs to the contrary). The same people often dump oil and other (illegal) pollutants into the surrounding soil.
Recently AutoZone has garnered attention because huge tickets are being handed out ($250 for a first offense, and reportedly way more thereafter) for parking in the lot prior to 9pm. Neighborhood groups have tried to engage AutoZone in talks about renting the spaces after hours. AutoZone expresses zero interest. Apparently they prefer to just SERIOUSLY SUCK and give a big middle finger to our community. So I suggest that we return the favor. Here's their phone number:
1-800-288-6966. The number for the regional office is 301-203-1596. If you call it now you'll only reach the voice mailbox of Pamela Pauly. But you can't actually, like, leave a message. Instead, the system puts you into an endless loop that leads you back to her full voice mailbox again and again! It's because Auto Zone "cares" so much! Auto Zone, when you care enough to really say "FU" to the one you love.
I encourage everyone to call and tell AutoZone how much we "appreciate" the corporation imposing their crap on our community. And hey, please add your photos of AutoZone on H engaged in bad behavior to the Frozen Tropics flickr pool. We don't need people (or really crappy corporations) like this around here.
"Auto Zone on H Street NE is a serious menace to the community."
Maybe you need to come up with a way to tag posts like this as op-ed so they can be ignored. I've seen the movie "Over The Top" and I am pretty sure that this post was the 2nd guy that he beat.
I agree about the parking and such, but the working on your cars bit. That always really offends me to have laws and codes against people working on your cars. You have to have a garage to be able to work on your car, because it's just unseemly to do it in public. Civilized (non-latino) people pay others to do it for them anyway. In the suburbs this is a way to keep minorities out. I'm not keen to tolerate the no-working-on-cars B.S. in my neighborhood. Kudos to Autozone for not forcibly stopping people from using your own products in your parking lot. Still, I'm sorry though, Inked's right and it's not enough to compensate for how much you suck.
it's not just a few people 'using Autozone products' on their cars.
It's a de facto car repair shop. It's the same guys over and over again, working for pay on other peoples cars.
And the oil and various car parts have been dumped in the neighborhood for years.
I wouldn't have a problem if it was just people changing their own oil or whatnot, assuming Autozone provided a proper way to dispose of the aftermath.
But that's not what's happening here.
But the car repair business isn't my main complaint.
My main complaint is the fact that this lot is owned by DC taxpayers, yet it's not available for neighborhood use, even in the hours that Autozone is closed. Particularly at a time when available street parking has been taken away due to the poorly-planned city construction projects.
"My main complaint is the fact that this lot is owned by DC taxpayers"
Could you elaborate? I had assumed the lot was owned by AutoZone.
If the parking lot is private property, then I don't think MPD could hand out parking tickets. This would mean the parking lot is public. Autozone could at least try to be a good neighbor. Provide proper disposal of oil, car parts, trash, etc. Allow people to park in the lot when the store is not open.
My problem isnt really with people working on cars either. I will admit, I use the autozone there and on RI ave routinely to keep my two antique cars going, but my problem is the litter and waste oils/rad/ fluid that get dumped. If you remember, they repaved that lot like a year ago and its already covered in oil.
Also, you may want to call their coporate office:
Autozone Inc. - Corporate Office
123 South Front Street
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: (901) 495-6500
Fax: (901) 495-8300
The District of Columbia does not own the land where Auto Zone operates. If you type in the address (1207 H Street NE) into DC Real Property Sales Search Database, you will see that it is owned by an entity named H Street Investment Corporation. Auto Zone is just a tenant. H Street Investment Corp is owned by H Street CDC (check out the CDC's website). I'm sure the activity going on in the parking lot is a lease violation. Perhaps a better avenue is to contact H Street CDC with concerns rather Auto Zone. It may even merit a complaint to DDOE.
A ``serious menace?'' really? Tone it down a bit inked. The prospect of getting gunned down while boarding the X2 is a serious menace. parking lot mechanics, not so much.
I don't know of an auto supply shop in the country where there aren’t customers in the lot putting their newly bought products to use. I've had guys do minor work on my car twice at autozone, once to replace my plugs and another time to rebolt a bracket on my gas tank.
I can understand the frustration of some of the folks who have homes that back up onto that lot. But if I remember correctly this issue has been taken to MPD, DCRA and whatever other alphabet agencies multiple times over the past six years and the residents have been formally rebuffed by those agencies. Maybe you're ire should be directed at those agencies for their lack of enforcing the law. Where's the outrage at them?
I like autozone, I go there a lot and im grateful to have a place like it within walking distance of my house. Not everything on H has to be gourmet food and theme-park bars.
Wahmbulance - This is a blog, not The Washington Post. Everything posted here is her opinion, more or less. Yes, she posts facts, but like I said - she's not a journalist, she's a blogger. She's a damn good blogger, if you ask me, and providing a valuable service (for free!). But she has never claimed to be some sort of bias-free journo.
For the cost/donation of two drums with lids you could have a place to dump oil and a place to dump anti-freeze. Form a community group and pay to have it recycled once a month. Problem solved.
You have to separate the cultural complaint (allowing people to make a buck on a public lot) from the environmental complaint (lack of proper disposal).
Getting into legal mumbo-jumbo just makes your argument look weak.
i use the autozone sometimes for parts and such, but i agree with most of the comments here. they are a bad neighbor. they're dirty, they have a FULL ON car repair shop going on in the parking lot, there's the whole parking ticket fiasco, AND they dump toxic waste into the soil (oil, antifreeze, etc.).
we have the 5 cent charge for bags because they end up in the river, and we need to clean it up. dumping toxic crap into the soil is just as bad, if not worse.
if they were an autozone like the one i lived near in san diego, i'd have no problem with them. but these folks are turdballs.
One other thing...the owner address per DC Real Property Sales Search Database is 501 H Street NE, which is the same address as H Street CDC. Apparently, DDOE has an Office of Enforcement and Environmental Justice and they have the ability to handle civil infractions. See URL for further info,a,1209,q,500895.asp
Great post! I wanted to create a term for blogs + activism, but blactivism doesn't sounds right!
Keep up the good work, Inked. And If the H Street CDC owns the lot, the police cannot ticket there. Nice try though, MPD.
Uhmm. Dumping oil into the ground is a *much* more serious problem than parking fines or loiterers.
It wouldn't be absurd to get the EPA involved, and slap AutoZone with a huge cleanup fine if they were aware of what was going on in their lot.
I have been approached several times by people in the Autozone parking lot offering to do car repair work for me. It is obvious these guys are using it as an autogarage.
Contrary to what some on here believe, it is a problem for business to do or allow things to happen on their property for which they are not zoned. I am confident auto-garages in the city likely have to deal with more regulations than a retail store has to contend with due to the environmental impacts of their work. I have never searched the nuiances of DC zoning issues, but I am sure this has been addressed.
This isn't just about some guy making a buck in a parking lot. Its about Autozone following the laws of DC which were passed to protect the people, the neighborhood, and our waterways.
Just about every Autozone in DC is the same way- people working on cars for scratch. My guess is that Autozone owners prefer this because it brings un customers that can't do it theirselves.
Go by the Autozone on Georgia AVe in NW- it's a shitshow.
Not defending it, just saying.
I'm with inked. She's typically super restrained but there are times where holding your tongue does not work.
Auto Zone needs to be called out for being a bad neighbor and a bottleneck to progress. AZ reflects a (hopefully) dying neighborhood tolerance for throwing your crap on the ground (be it oil, soda bottles, or chicken bones). We are raising expectations and I think its a good idea to put the one of the worst actors on notice. It also just goes to show that a neighborhood public relations that doesn't hurt your bottom line (like permitting use of the parking lot) would have gone a long way.
Alexander Supertramp
So who is going to complain to H Street CDC and let them know that their property is being polluted with toxins and is used for other illegal activity which is a detriment to the neighborhood? That's probably a more effective route than complaining to Autozone's regional and corporate offices, not that there's anything wrong with doing that as well. Not that CDC seems to have a good record in the area overall, but they shouldn't get a free pass for this and as the property owners are the ones who could actually do something about its use.
Also - they did NOT SHOVEL their sidewalks during snowmaggedon. BTW - have there been any snow baby predictions? I think November could see a jump in births.
Why not bring this up with Tommy Wells' office or the ANC? With enough people bringing this to their attention, there will be momentum to get other agencies within the DC Gov't to take this issue seriously.
It's my understanding that MPD can ticket on private property. In fact, the only way you can legally tow a car parked on private property is to have it ticketed by MPD first.
But MPD must be asked to ticket. They supposedly can't do it unless asked by the property owner or whoever the property is rented to.
The $250 ticket is the real shocking part here.
Plus, of course, the stunningly crappy attitude of ticketing an unused lot at night when most of the available street parking is taken up by city construction.
H Street CDC needs to be advised, by people more powerful than us, that this is nonsense and it's a blatant misuse of taxpayer money. Which is, of course, how the CDC is funded.
It's also my understanding (could be wrong about this) that the Autozone itself was subsidized by taxpayer funds, through the H Street CDC and through other city incentives, to locate at that location.
The H Street CDC website lists says that H Street CDC owns the site, and leases it to Autozone. I assume this means the entire site, not just the parking lot.
And if I'm not mistaken H Street CDC leases these properties at below market rate and with tons of other incentives made possible by the fact that our tax dollars bankrolled the CDC to begin with.
If that is the case (and hopefully somebody with more knowledge than me can fill us in), then they really need to stop this idiocy.
I think the ANC has tried before to make a record of the illegal use of the lot, but not had much success.
Folks, if you don't like what's happening with the unauthorized mechanics there, next time they approach you, get their name, take a picture, make note of some details so that it can be reported to DCRA.
Liz- Thanks for your response. If you notice the sentence that I originally quoted: "Auto Zone on H Street NE is a serious menace to the community" then I think you can probably gather that I was not suggesting that inked strive for a WaPo-like journalistic integrity. Just that the a post about Autozone not be covered in five feet of hyperbole.
Here's my two (or three) cents, and some thought-provoking questions:
-It's private property leased by a tenant. What right does the general public have to use private property without permission, even if it's after hours?
-Is it ok if I come park in your private parking spot (or alley, or backyard) when you're not using it? Would you be ok with assuming risk/liability (e.g.: homeowners insurance) for said use? I doubt Auto Zone wants to either.
-The fines for parking are set by the city, and the fine for parking on private property w/out permission was recently raised to $250. If you park on private property, you need permission and MPD can issue a fine & order towning if you're in violation.
-I certainly think that allegations of illegal dumping should be reported and investigated, along with the allegations of illegal business practices (fly-by-night mechanics). Contact DDOE and DCRA, respectively.
"-It's private property leased by a tenant. What right does the general public have to use private property without permission, even if it's after hours?"
It's not private property. It's owned by the H Street CDC, which is funded by taxpayer dollars.
@hillman- it's still private property. It's owned by the H St. Community Development Corportation, not the gubment. Plus, it's leased to a tenant, and I'm guessing the lease givens them full use of the property, including the right to request ticketing/towing of cars parked w/out permission.
Even if it truly were publicly-owned property, the general public wouldn't have an inherent right to use it for free parking. Try parking in any of the reserved spaces at a publicly-owned (or leased) government building in DC, and you may be met with a similar result.
I have heard that the Autozone lease is up either this year or next. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, people should mount a campaign to give them the boot and get something else in.
The District of Columbia does not own the land where Auto Zone operates. If you type in the address (1207 H Street NE) into DC Real Property Sales Search Database, you will see that it is owned by an entity named H Street Investment Corporation.
Suggest those of you interested in getting a real response to concerns about AutoZone email Anwar Saleem of the H Street Community Development Corporation (the organization that owns 501 H Street NE): He should be able to provide any information you might need.
Along these lines...anyone have any idea how to prompt the owner of the property that leases to CRICKET! on 10th & H to remove the graffiti from its back walls? I tried going through the city, but my understanding is that as a private property the owner can turn down the removal services offered by the city. And because other properties have taken the city up on the removal offer since first reported, I assume that this owner declined. And I really don't want to assume. I'd like to just know and then maybe ask why. Heck, I'd be happy to help him remove it if he's concerned about the quality of the removal services.
- 10th Street
I suggest those of you with concerns about the parking tickets approach MPD 1D (it's their jurisdiction) via their Yahoo! group: Commander Kamperin ( and PSA 102 Lieutenant Vendette Parker ( are very responsive to even the most harsh comments.
Auto Zone has been a problem for many years. When I was a commissioner, I tried to get MDP and DCRA to enforce the regulations that prohibit illegal motor vehicle repair businesses to operate in the Auto Zone parking lot. DCRA actually requires business permits for vehicle repair businesses so that the environmental requirements can be enforced. Why I was not successful to implement a long term solution can be narrowed down to three issues. First, MPD does not like to write 61D violations (a general term for minor infractions). From their perspective, the larger issue of deterring violent crime is more important. Second, when pressed, Auto Zone refuses to implement any long term solution to this problem. They "believe" that once a customer leaves the store - the parking lot is not their concern (which is wrong, but they haven’t suffered any consequences). Third, in the past, H Street CDC says they aren't responsible for the behavior of their tenant (which like above, is not exactly enlightened from a organization that is devoted to the development of H Street).
To the second point, in November 2005, the ANC successfully got the DCRA to engage the Office of the Attorney General to send a letter to the Corporate Headquarters of Auto Zone informing them that they are not in compliance with their Certificate of Occupancy. As a result, there were a few meetings with the DCRA Zoning Department and Auto Zone. In the end, Auto Zone promised to comply and DCRA didn't take any action.
It is my opinion that to solve this problem, DCRA needs to get actively involved at making sure Auto Zone complies with their business license and certificate of occupancy - which does not allow repairs at their location with the current license and CofO. Candidly speaking, this is an election year and this seems to be an issue the Mayor’s office would love to solve. If there was enough momentum to get the Mayor’s office to demand that DCRA act, DCRA could fine or suspend the Auto Zone CofO. That would directly impact the bottom line. So, here is what I would do:
1. Mayor’s Service Call Center. Every time someone sees an illegal repair, call 311 and file a compliant. Make sure they give you a trouble ticket number. Make sure you specify that Auto Zone is allowing illegal repairs in their parking lot that is not in compliance with their Certificate of Occupancy issued by DCRA. That way the Call Center will know where to route the trouble ticket.
2. Meeting at the Auto Zone Parking Lot. Email Alex Rotan, Ward 6 Outreach and Services Specialist liaison for the Mayor's Office ( and ask him to meet with the community at the parking lot to discuss the issue. Also reach out to your new Commissioner Drew Ronneberg to have him attend (I like this retired stuff…)
3. Notify DCRA. Send an email to Linda Argo (, Director of DCRA, and notify her that once again illegal repairs are taking place at Auto Zone and that you are requesting monitoring and enforcement. Remind her that in November 2005, the OAG (Nicholas Majett, sent Auto Zone a letter requesting that their business comply with the zoning laws of the District of Columbia.
Bottom line, if a dozen or so trouble ticket numbers are generated and presented to Mr. Alex Rotan that will help the Mayor’s office to demand that DCRA enforce the zoning regulations.
Here are few letters sent back in the day:
Regards, Joe Fengler
What I don't get it is that the same DCRA who goes about extreme lengths to ensure that all regulations are adhered to when issuing building permits for new businesses somehow seem to lack the alacrity when the same regulations are flouted by established businesses such as Autozone.
Joe Englert said:
I did not make that last comment. Can people please not use my name??? Thanks
I think the guy meant "Joe Fengler"
Sorry Joe, my fault. I meant to write "Joe Fengler" and slipped up and wrote "Joe Englert" instead. Old brain malfunctioning. Mea culpa.
Very good information discussion! I generally agree with most things written, save for the parking matters. I think it would be nice if they allowed parking, but they actually don't have to. Yet, we need to be cautious as not to seem unreasonable. Demanding that a private party open their property to public use is unreasonable. We can ask, perhaps we can persuade, but it's their decision to allow and not ours to impose. Just as AutoZone should be fined for their environmental crimes and violating their CofO, people who park there should be ticketed. They are both infractions m.
Since there seems to be a set that thinks because the city funds the CDC and the CDC owns the land that the public has the right to park there. There's a lot wrong with that argument. First and foremost is that when the city funds (Grants, contracts, loans, or other tools of government) a private party, a special district, a government owned corporation or a hybrid unless there is a term or condition that deems it not so, the property they acquire with the funds is theirs. Even if property were paid for with tax dollars and administered by an instrumentality of government it still may not be open to the public for general use (Convention Center). Additionally, the government can give its rights to a private party so that they can administer the property and it may not be open for general use (Nats Stadium, Washington Historical Society Building).
I think the route suggested by Mr. Fengler is very good and from my experience with another franchise nearby, the DCRA route proved to be very effective. However the community has to stay on DCRA to ensure that the pressure they apply doesn’t ease up.
Donna says-
Just an FYI - Anwar Saleem is not the person to contact about the H Street CDC. The ED of the CDC is William Barrow:
William Barrow
Executive Director
You are likely right about the legality of HSt CDC.
But to me they are a publicly funded group. As such, they have a resonsibility to the community at large.
If they won't be responsive then at a bare minimum citizens should fight any additional taxpayer money going to them, and every single development deal they try should be looked at in light of their crappy attitude toward the very community that was forced to fund them from taxpayer resources.
I think they have a moral obligation to be responsive. The underlying legality is possibly a different matter.
This Friday, Tommy Wells is holding a kick off to his re-election campaign at the North Hall of Eastern Market.
Let's show up and keep buggin him about the problems with AZ and he needs to do something about it. Does anyone have any in action pictures?
It looks like the check cashing place at 1402 H NE got robbed. Maybe Tommy can get more police protection for H street NE.
You're right. They are a partner and prob funded through grants or contract from the Dept of Housing and Community Development, the Committee on Housing and Workforce Development has oversight over DHCD the chair of the committee is Michael Brown.
-Robby is your chance to raise any issues with Tommy Wells.
Reminder: H Street NE Community Office Hours
Written by Tawana Shuford
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Join Councilmember Wells and staff for this month’s H Street NE, Community Office Hours at SOVA Espresso and Wine 1359 H Street, NE, this Thursday morning, March 25, 2010, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Talk one-on-one with Councilmember Wells and staff about your community concerns and issues. Ask questions, get answers and ask for city services. Please let us know if you need any additional information call 202-724-8072.
I look forward to seeing you bright and early on Thursday morning!!
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Thanks sbizzle. Autozone did not shovel their walk during the snowstorm, like a lot of H St. establishments. Having walked on the resulting ice, I can throw my lot in w/ people using the word 'menace'.
Thanks for the post Elise.
For years, Autozone hasn't taken substantial measures to prevent the illegal mechanics from operating in their parking lot despite several community efforts to compel DCRA to enforce DC law.
To get DCRA to fine Autozone or revoke their C of O revoked will require the community to document illegal car repairs over a number of weeks and months. DCRA won't take significant action unless we can demonstrate that the illegal work is a pattern rather than a few isolated instances.
Establishing this pattern will require:
1) Photographic evidence of car repairs being performed in the Autozone lot. I understand that the "mechanics" will often purchase parts from the Autozone and then perform repairs in the lot. If the same "mechanic" shows up over and over, it will help establish that the people are operating an illegal business with the implicit approval of the Autozone management.
2) People calling in complaints to 311 with descriptions of the illegal work being performed and a description of the person. If you call in a complaint, please get a trouble ticket number.
If you are interested in helping to document the illegal mechanics at Autonzone, please email me at I would greatly appreciate if neighbors could send me photos and trouble ticket numbers so I can keep following up with DCRA on this issue.
Best Regards,
Drew Ronneberg
Commissioner 6A02
202 431-4305
Yes replace the AZ with a nice big public parking garage. Assuming medical marijuana is approved for the district, they can put a nice medical marijuana / head shop on the first floor which should go a long way to making the building look a lot nicer to about a third of the people frequenting the establishments on the other side of the street.
Irony anyone?
We have a multitude defending AutoZone's "known" behavior (see comments) while we have similar volume complaining about Aldi's investment in an unused space.
Really folks...
If we are serious about improving the greater H Street neighborhood, let us at least be consistent about those seeking to invest and improve and those who are habitual offenders.
For those who want more parking on H Street, the current Voice of the Hill reports that a recent motion before ANC6a asking the city to include 100 more spaces in the garage for the redevelopment of the H Street Connection failed. The project will only provide 65 spaces.
"The commission unanimously voted to approve a series of community amenities regarding the H Street Connection development on H Street between 8th and 10th streets, but a resolution to ask the city to include 100 additional retail parking spaces in the development failed on a 3-3 vote. The developer has agreed to include 65.
Commissioners David Holmes, Kelvin Robinson and Drew Ronneberg voted FOR the spaces and commissioners Nick Alberti, Mary Beatty and Raphael Marshall voted AGAINST them."
If adding parking at this site is feasible and is only a matter of increased cost, then it's a shame to hear that the city won't get it's act together and facilitate more parking at the H Street Connection site.
It's a major cost to the developer, and in situations like this in other cities the local government has stepped in and underwritten the extra spaces.
They could set it up as a de facto city-run garage, providing much-needed parking.
Maybe there's something we don't know here. Maybe adding the spaces would be very difficult because of the design, or something else that we don't know.
But if it's simply a matter of inertia and unwillingness to plan for the future, it would appear that we may have yet one more example of DC missing an opportunity to plan for the future.
I'm not as familiar with the details of the H Street Connection project, but I think the developer was very willing to add extra spaces, but there was push back from some District agencies against that extra parking. Perhaps someone with a better understanding can clarify this, ir correct me if I'm wrong.
auto zone sucks. I passed the parking lot yesterday and there was a pool of green antifreeze covering most of one parking spot. I had to stop my 2yo from splashing in it. Real nice. Big thanks to H Street CDC.
Has anyone contacted CDC to complain instead of just posting here? In addition to logging complaints with DCRA re: illegal activity, please don't let CDC off the hook. Tell them the community is displeased:
William Barrow
Executive Director
the thing that annoyed me about autozone is that when the snowpacalypse came, they never cleared the sidewalk next to their building, so it was a fricking frozen tundra for like two weeks on the south side of the 1200 block
when i asked if they planned on clearing it, an employee just muttered something that could barely be classified as english. i didn't have time at the moment to debate about it and left.
Sent an e-mail message to corporate and received the following response.
Dear Valued Customer,
May I begin by offering my apologizes for the inconvenience. We would like rectify the image that you might have for store #5235. I am going to direct your comments to the Regional Management team in that area for review and further assistance on this matter.
Thank you.
E-Customer Care Center
AutoZone Inc.
Get over yourself.
I love having an Auto Zone near by. They are wonderful at supplying auto parts. I don't believe they are in the business of renting parking spaces.
I agree about the parking and such, but the working on your cars bit. That always really offends me to have laws and codes against people working on your cars. You have to have a garage to be able to work on your car, because it's just unseemly to do it in public. Civilized (non-latino) people pay others to do it for them anyway. In the suburbs this is a way to keep minorities out. I'm not keen to tolerate the no-working-on-cars B.S. in my neighborhood. Kudos to Autozone for not forcibly stopping people from using your own products in your parking lot. Still, I'm sorry though, Inked's right and it's not enough to compensate for how much you suck.
Is this idiot for real??? Only Non Latinos take their cars in. Which are you dude a racist or a bigot??? Yet he's the one thats Civilized(non-Latino)_
I bought a power steering pump for the autozone in flint Mi. Gave it to D&D Auto to put in my car. They chraged me 150.00 to install. they didnt even put it in my car and he tuck my pump back and got a refund under my account.I call autozone headquars only to get voice male finnaly found out i needed a subpoena 2 weeks from my cout date. I needed that to get money back for the vedio and electornic signicher for the case. I used to shop autozone all the time now they can go #@$%# them self.
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