Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Municipal Composting, It Makes Sense

I read an opinion piece in the Boston Globe Sunday Magazine that I think people should read. I'm a huge fan of municipal composting, and this is one bandwagon I'd love to DC jump on. Lot's of cities do curbside pick-up of compostable waste, and few, like Seattle and San Francisco, require residents to compost (either in the yard, or by using bins for pickup).

Another interesting development in this vein is Atlanta's Zero Waste Zone downtown. They've got restaurants turning over food waste for composting.  One of the companies involved is EnviRelations, LLC. You know where EnviRelations is based? Right here in DC.


Green thumb said...

While we're somewhat on the topic of gardening, what is up with people destroying flowers around here? The last two years we've had people methodically pluck the tops off our daffodils and tulips leaving just the stem. Every day I come home from work and another one is gone. Other friends in the hood have seen people ripping flowers out of their flower beds out front too. Effing heathens.

Anonymous said...

seems like a good idea if it doesn't attract more rats. i can't stand those things. i seen cats avoid them too.

Anonymous said...

It attracts rats, period. Bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Composting does not have to attract rats if its done right, and think about how it would reduce the amount of trash left around here on the streets each "trash day". It makes sense to do this collectively if individuals can't use composted soil in the city individually. GOOD IDEA.

Hillophile said...

I love the idea and I hope DC can find a way to make it work. I'm not sure I like the idea of mandatory composting at this point, but would love it if it were optional.

Green thumb - that's lousy!

Anonymous said...

Envirelations/Walker Lunn
they treat employees with no respect and pay checks are always late if gotten at all.
Lunn could care less about the environment, if you have or smelt the trucks he uses, you would see that Lunn is out for profit for himself, the environment means nothing to him!

Anonymous said...

YES... municipal/community composting is a must this day in age. let's do it.