I found this dog wandering on the 1200 block of Morse St this morning. He is a very sweet boy so I’m sure someone is missing him or will be when they get home from work and find that he’s gotten out.
He looks to me like a lab x spaniel cross, about 30 – 35 pounds, in good weight (not skinny or chubby). Mostly black with tan feet, muzzle and eyebrows. Photos are attached.
I called Washington Humane and filed a report, but hopefully I can figure out where he lives without having to bring him to the shelter. If he’s yours or you know who he belongs to, email or call me (202-596-2297 or 505-660-5609)
Danielle Jo Bays
bao nhiêu cho con chó, tôi muốn nấu ăn nó.!!! om nom nom!
What a cutie! I hope his owners show up. I will try to cross post this, if you don't mind.
Please do cross post this. I'd really like to get him home tonight, as he is a total sweetie.
If his owners don't claim him please let me know before you put him with the humane society.
oops - e-mail is drjoe@drjoejames.com
They dog has a collar, and probably just snuck out of yard nearby this morning. I met him, and he's clearly a house dog. Probably doesn't live with cats.
Shame on you, POO!
I kind of figured that was the gist of it. Too old Poo, not tender enough. Besides, he's pretty sweet.
Not sure, but I think this dog might belong to 1225 Morse St. There are 2 dogs that live there, often in the yard.
Different dog. This one does look a bit like Timber, but it's about half his size.
Thing with Poo is, you really do have to admire the effort.
You do?
Anon 5:19 That's kinda funny. I live at 1225 AND I found the dog. He was in the next yard and the new tennent there thought he was my dog too. Timber thinks of him as a "mini me"
Poo, the dogs are safe. I'm vegan.
Tomorrow morning I'll take him to the shelter to see if he has a microchip. I'd suggest anyone with a dog get him or her microchipped as a safety percaussion.
we all like to veg out once in a while, but when you arise from your slumber, what happens to the pooch?!?!
For those who care, the dog was reunited with his family. I got a lot of leads, although for as many "that's so&so's dog" I got as many "that's NOT so&so's dog". And "so&so" never seemed to be home for me to confirm.
I was told the family was "looking" for the dog, but I doubt they did more than look out the window to see if he wandered back into the yard.
People -- if you lose your dog, call the Washington Humane Society and file a lost report. If these people had done that, they'd have gotten the dog back day one. Put up signs, ask your neighbors if they've seen the dog (the dog didn't make if off the block!). Don't just wait for the dog to show up at your door.
Ok, done venting.
Lucky is home.
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