Friday, May 14, 2010

WBJ: ABDO Nixes Arbor Place Plans

Jim Abdo announced the cancellation of plans to construct a 16 acre, mixed-use, development. The parcel that was to house the development, known as Arbor Place, was bounded by New York Avenue, Montana Avenue and Bladensburg Road. It was hoped the project would spur other development, and the cancellation cannot be good news to Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas as election season approaches. Abdo blamed the change in plans on the tight credit market, saying it was virtually impossible to launch a 1.1 billion dollar project like this in such conditions.   Jim Abdo, who had contractual control of the land, but did not own it, has pledged to help the owner find an alternative use for the property. The Washington Business Journal reports.


Anonymous said...

This isn't really a tradegy. The plan wasn't even that good to begin with. Let's hope the next developer will install more retail than residential

Anonymous said...

I agree. There has to be a great mixture of both in order for the project to be successful.

Anonymous said...

retail and residential.

Unknown said...

It's a loss. Something is needed to improve that blighted section of DC. I guess it's back to the drawing board.

mizage said...

sounds like a good place for a DC United stadium!

Anonymous said...

Mizage -


And an easy commute from PG and Mont County -- w/o the Raljon traffic at that.