Monday, May 03, 2010

WP: Man Sentenced for 2008 Beating Death

The Post reports that 52 year old Oliver Jones of the 1100 block of Queen Street was sentenced to 20 years for the 2008 murder of Tonette Ferguson (pdf). Jones pleaded guilty to second degree murder while armed. The victim was 38 at the time of her death, and she had eleven children. Jones and Ferguson knew each other, and she sometimes stayed at his apartment. Jones beat her beyond recognition, and stuffed her body under an ice cream truck behind 1614 Montello Avenue.


Anonymous said...

Only 20 years for murder in the District.. so sad.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know whats being built across the street from the Organic cleaners (H & 12TH). The building is a rehab with a stone front,copper roof,and pella windows....great look.Also, is there anyone that has a push lawn more that they would like to donate. I'd like to help some of my neighbors with their yards. Unfortunatley I dont a lawnmore.I can be reached at

Jordan said...

This city is never going to become the "world class city" that so many officials tout, until we become tough on crime. This guy should fry for this. That being impossible for the soft on crime district, he should AT LEAST be sentenced to life in prison. Way to go DC legislative and judicial system!

oboe said...

Maybe they could fry him *then* lock him up for a hundred years!

That should certainly deter any other half-witted scumbags who beat people to death in a frenzy, then incompetently stuff them under ice cream trucks!

Since folks like that respond rationally to potential punishments, and all.

ro said...

or maybe they should deep fry him with a side of fries for $5 and call it the Mumbo Jones.

or they can bake him in a pie with sausage and fennel and call it ``the deliciously dangerous''

Or Taylor can slow roast him, put him on a roll with provolone and oregano, and call it ``the Trinidad.''

So many possibilities