Thursday, July 08, 2010

It's Electrifying...and Infuriating

There are lots of words and phrases I could use to describe Pepco related issues over the past couple of days.  But I'm going to refrain from that for the moment and just pass on this clarifying email from CHAMPS it seems to cover all the bases:

Businesses on H are ok to turn their power back on, except for those located at 1318 and eastward on the NORTH side of the block. Several of the businesses ended up canceling reservations and/or sending staff home but are now going to open, so if you were thinking about going out tonight, the 1200 and 1300 blocks could use a little love.

There were several Pepco communication failures today which resulted in the power down call. Apparently, they should never have been asked to power down. Tommy Wells arrived on the scene within minutes and was able to get clear communication directives out of Pepco and I think everyone's back on track now.

Also, Pepco is reporting that folks around the 12th and Linden Place NE area have had their power restored. If you are in that area and you are still without power, please contact him at twells at dccouncil dot us.



Julia E. Christian, Executive Director
CHAMPS - Capitol Hill's Chamber of Commerce


Also, the traffic lights at 14th & H are back on.


lstarr said...


Thanks for posting my previous experience with the outages on one of your posts. All of my power is restored except my AC is STILL not working (aghhhh). However, last night the power I did have was miniscule and my fan was barely working so I was seeking places to stay. I don't have friends or family here and I overheard some people downstairs talking about the Rec Center providing shelter. I went and there were two men who were VERY nice and accommodating even though I was the only person there.The only thing was I had to leave by 4:00 AM since a day camp was coming in...let's just say I didn't have a good night's sleep last night. I work late usually(and can't check personal things online at work), and I couldn't watch the news either or check online since my power was out at home...the only thing I received from Pepco was a letter on my door saying they were fixing the situation and thanks for the patience. I would have loved for Pepco to at least provide info for local shelters or places we could try to weather out this situation.even a phone call....I think that maybe discussing how we as a community can prepare for situations like this again for our residents is necessary (The Summer is still not over!!!) and maybe sending out flyers about various neighborhood emergency "heat shelters" in the coming weeks for future reference....I just want residents to be informed as much as possible for the next emergency on where to stay for emergency shelter if they need it

Anonymous said...

I know that this blog largely focuses on NE but folks on the block of 14th and A St. SE have been without power for 2 days now. Does anyone have any word about this?

oboe said...

Not PEPCO's fault. If you read their press release, they're blaming the "newcomers" with their fancy newfangled modern wiring, A/C, &tc...

You don't expect PEPCO to actually keep their infrastructure up-to-date, do you?

Anonymous said...

Oboe, I did love them trying to blame the gentrifiers for their heavy-ups.

Uhhh... Pepco you are happily swimming in the new revenue so you know more power is being consumed.



Anonymous said...

Pepco is actually losing money when demand exceeds their available supply. They are forced to buy power from outside sources, meaning additional plants must be turned on to meet the demand of only a couple hours during a couple days out of the year.

It would help if people turned off lights and A/C when not home.

Stop being so God damned wasteful, Hilleaster. Idiot.

oboe said...

Stop being so God damned wasteful, Hilleaster. Idiot.

Uh-oh, Hilleaster. Looks like you've angered one of PEPCO's fan-boys...

Anyway, doesn't Troll@11:54 know that all Newcomers work from home? We can't just sit sweating alone in the dark, you know.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaaaaaa. . . Pepco loosing money. That's a good one. Yes they have to buy into a power pool. But they could also go ahead and invest in generation. Just like they could go ahead and invest in local infrastructure. So, while folks should indeed turn off the lights and set the AC at 78, to call someone wasteful for expecting Pepco to plan to accommodate development is just silliness. Pepco caters to its investors, so it doesn't invest in costly generation or infrastructure, so then there's outages, and then it has a PR nightmare, which doesn't really matter because it's the only choice. Poor Pepco. Bwahaha.

Anonymous said...

If you could all bike (on your fixie) over to one coffee shop with your Mac laptops and work from there, Pepco would appreciate it.

No longer melting on Linden said...

My favorite part of this whole ordeal was that stupid press release that Pepco put on our doors the other day. Instead of leveling with those of us who were suffering without power, they decided to make a press release touting how hard they are working but that didn't provide any relevant information for those wondering when power might be restored.

Anonymous said...

Lemme get this straight. A trolley that can't be powered or turned around, and updated utilities that can't handle the revitalization of h street. Granted it was a significant heat wave, but if at all possible we should blame this on gentrifiers, old residents and race. After the breast cancer fundraiser on the 17th, maybe the pugs next fundraiser will be for a generator.
the pug