Jesse "The Body" Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota and former pro-wrestler, stopped by the Capital City Diner last night for a bite. No word on what he ordered. I'm told he also walked around a bit and talked to neighbors.
The initial reaction from neighbors
Photos provided by Matt Ashburn.
That's awesome...I think I saw the Iron Sheik in Souk the other night too. ;)
Inquiring minds would like to know what The Body ordered...
I hope he was there to ask Kathy Henderson about her conspiracy theory about her stealing the diner's campaign signs:
Wow first Gaga and now `the Body.' I even think I saw Heidi Klum in bad Danny's last week ordering a 5 piece with extra sauce and fries. true story. i swear
"I aint got time to bleed"
I voted for that guy. Hilarious!!!
i would never have recognized him.
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