Thursday, September 09, 2010

Lawrence "Russ" Russell: ANC Candidate Statement

Candidate Statement from ANC 6A01 candidate:

I am running for ANC SMD Commissioner because I would like to lead the way for the area by improving communication between residents, businesses and the city government. To many times decision are made unilaterally.

As a former barracks manager in the US Army, I have a proven track record of improving living conditions by partnering with local governments to relay resident concerns and track progress. As a current manager for the federal government, and understand the need to develop collaborative relationships which will provide increased focus in our area.

In the three years that I have lived in ANC6a01 I have created over 200 service requests through the online portal and partnered with DPW, DDOT, DOH, DMV, DCRA and the Executive Office of the Mayor to clean up our area.

Parking was a major issue when I arrived. I worked with DMV to rezone the houses on Florida Avenue, allowing residents to get RPP eliminating alley parking issues.

I hosted representatives of the mayors office and DPW in the alley last year, meeting with over 20 residents at 7am to discuss/display ongoing trash issues, resulting in an immediate response and continued support from DPW.

I developed a relationship with our MPD PSA Lt. Parker, resulting in a significantly increased police presence in our area.

I have negotiated with DOT to install an additional street light in the alley, even though the installation was deemed "outside the budget".

I am committed to public service and will work tirelessly to increase the living conditions in our area by listening to the residents. I have accomplished all of this in partnership and support of our current Commissioner, Raphael Marshal, Councilman Wells and the DC City Officers. I plan to do even more as the commissioner.

Thanks and feel free to email me with questions.

Lawrence "Russ" Russell


Anonymous said...

Inked, are you going to allow all the candidates in competitive ANC6-SMD races to use your blog as a campaign forum? Is Lawrence Russell in your district? If so, are you endorsing him? I would think an endorsement by you would carry a lot of weight in our area. This may be your intent, but if it isn't are you not opening the flood gates to becoming a neighborhood political blog?

Anonymous said...

I think that it's terrific to hear from the folks running for ANC and school board. They don't get the high profile forums that the candidates running for City Council and Mayor have. ANC6A has a lot more important issues than chicken wings, and hopefully we can hear the candidates thoughts about them.

inked said...

Candidate who live in the immediate (H Street, Trinidad, Near Northeast, Carver-Langston, Rosedale, Ivy City, ect.) area and are running for ANC in 5B, 6A, or 6C can submit statements. I will post them, but that does constitute an endorsement. People often don't hear much about such candidates, so I just want to do this as a public service. I've done it before, and it hasn't been a problem.