Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sherwood Rec Beautification Day

When: Saturday Oct 30th 9am-1pm.
Where: 10th and G Street.

You are invited to join other volunteers in the annual fall planting. Tulip bulbs will go in the ground, saplings will get trimmed, and the area will get a general sprucing up.

They'll have some tools and gloves on hand, but your best bet is to bring your own. Coffee and light refreshments provided.


Anonymous said...

Someone had a good point (on the wrong posting though) that this is at the same time as the Stewart/Cober rallies.unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

The Rally to Restore Sanity doesn't start until noon. I'm going to do the first couple hours at Sherwood, which starts at 9, and then head over to the mall.