Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tweed Ride to Hit H Street Again?

Ah the crisp chill of fall, the tangy bite of fall apple, and the almost forgotten site of a tweed clad bicycle ride of, last year. The tweed riders are back, but I'm unable of find any route information online. Last years ride made for some very good photo ops, so here's hoping they wind up the ride over here and stop by our fine establishments for a refreshing beverage. The ride is scheduled for November 14th.


Anonymous said...

Where does one buy tweed nowadays? I have thought about buying a jacket, but do not know a good place to get one.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I fully understand this idiotic event. So goons ride around in tweed and some how because its a novelty its cause for pause and celebration. People need to get a life. What next argyle ride, or Herringbone ride or checker ride. Where does the dumbness end. I mean who wouldn't want to go back to the past times these people seem to find quaint seem to want to extol ... I know most gays, brown people and women. Rock on with you bad selves. Carry that torch forward in support of a bloody, abusive and colonialist past.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not sure I fully understand this idiotic event. So goons ride/walk around in tweed/costumes and some how because its a novelty its cause for pause and celebration. People need to get a life."

There, fixed that for you. Happy Halloween!

Just because intolerant people wore a certain type of clothing does not make the clothing evil.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hmm so a Nazi Uniform and a Klan outfit are okay?

Anonymous said...

Godwin's law in two posts? Wow. Sorry man, I am not biting.

But seriously, where to procure tweed?

Kim said...

Anonymous, I know this might not be the most helpful because it's so hit or miss, but my boyfriend has found some great tweed items at thrift stores/vintage clothing stores.

Unknown said...

A valid point isn't baiting. Uniform clothing can be symbolic. Really. Take it leave it, but it's true.

Anonymous said...

Robby, I agree that uniforms can be symbolic. But they do not have to be.

The clothing is not intolerant, however the wearer may (or may not) be. It all depends on the intent of the wearer.

nikkiO said...

I happened upon the tweed ride last year and decided to head back and try to sell my vintage bike. Didn't have much luck so I decided to join them! Ran home and got my tweed hat and too tight fake tweed pants on and met some of the coolest people. Made friends that day, got exercise, free professional photo taken and had a total blast. Looking forward to this year again!