Monday, November 29, 2010

GGW: Why NoMA Has No Parks

Greater, Greater Washington examines how parks were left out of the NoMA equation, and what Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells wants to do about it.


Anonymous said...

NoMa is pretty much a corporate campus in disguise, so why worry about parks for the public?

Anonymous said...

Corporate campus? Several residential buildings are already up (1000 units opened in the past year), 500+ under construction, and an additional 1000+ will be under construction by this time next year. Five years from now, there are likely to be 10,000 people living in NoMA!

Plus a lot of NoMA overlaps with Near Northeast - also lacking in parks. This is a needed amenity, and this bill is a great start. NoMA needs a large park on First Street so they can continue showing movies and having other events, and there should be some smaller parks as well for playgrounds, etc. on the side streets and/or 3rd NE.

6 Months till Dewey said...

Neighbors use the fenced-in vacant lot at 300 L St NE as a dog park. Doesn't look pretty, but serves the public good.

Anonymous said...

300 L would be a great spot for the District to purchase as a park site... there's only one house connected to it (owned by the owner of 300 L), and it's otherwise separated by Abbey, L, Third and an alley.

It's also right across from a couple big residential projects, and there's potential for a lot more retail and other development across Third and down L.

This would be an excellent neighborhood park, in addition to a large, more urban park on First at L or M. It's not in the BID boundary, but it's across the street, so it would qualify under Tommy's bill.

DCJaded said...

yes 300 L would be great for a park since its right across from my house.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of parks, inked do you know when the city is planning to tear down the Joe Cole Center and start the park?

Rayful Edmond said...

I live a couple houses up from 300 L on Abbey. It would be nice if DC Public Works would clean up the litter everywhere.

Anonymous said...

What about that triangle of land that is bordered by west va, florida and some other street I don't know the name of, right across from the edge of gallaudet.its tiny but could be a dog park. There was a for sale sign on it not long ago.

Anonymous said...

Corporate campus? Several residential buildings are already up (1000 units opened in the past year),

NoMa is 66% office. 10000 in 5 years? Please.

Plus a lot of NoMA overlaps with Near Northeast - also lacking in parks. This is a needed amenity, and this bill is a great start. NoMA needs a large park on First Street so they can continue showing movies and having other events, and there should be some smaller parks as well for playgrounds, etc. on the side streets and/or 3rd NE.

I am sure NoMa can come up with the land without the government's assistance!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why you want a park for a bunch of homeless drunks to sleep in, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of the same thing for about a year.... a dog park or neighborhood park would be a great asset to the neighborhood. How does one start the ball rolling to make this happen. If there are enough people interested in making this a reality. I would be willing to host a meeting at my home . Perhaps we could get some type of grant to purchase vaccant land or seek a lawyer pro bono in the neighborhood to assist. Who knows...leave your information.

5th street

Anonymous said...

a lot of people dont really know what noma is, do they.

Abbey Place said...

5th Street

I'd love to see a park somewhere in the area. If you host a meeting, I'd love to join.

Abbey Place
ncoeller at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:33

As you said, the area is developing as 1/3 residential. That equals thousands of residents, in addition to those already in Near Northeast and Eckington.

By 2013, there will be >3,000 apartment units in NoMA, counting the ones built in the past couple years, under contruction now, and starting in the spring.

Why would we possibly expect all of those residents and office workers to have to leave the neighborhood to sit in a park for lunch or play in a playground? The massive influx of new tax money from NoMA is not just some cash cow to build parks and provide social services for *other* neighborhoods in the city. Some should be be used in the neighborhood, and that's especially true if it will help the neighborhood grow and prosper.

Anonymous said...

I would like to join any effort to push for a park - keep us posted.

3 and K

Riling up the Masses said...

I would prefer if we had another Danny's or wig shop. Parks are for poor people.

U know u love the poo said...

They've broken ground across the street from the Washington center (intern abodes). It's at 3rd and L. Anyone know what is going on?

joey goodfella said...

poo...that's your not-so-shallow grave. Sadly, I dont think even your burial would silence you.

Anonymous said...


The construction at L and Congress (doesn't extend to 3rd, that's just their temporary staging area) is for a three story office and retail building. The office portion is already leased.

Rayful Edmond said...

Poo poo,

Several condo developers have been eying up 300 L recently. However, as the poster above stated, the development is at Congress and L, across from the Loree Grand.

The poo thinks Joey is funny said...

Yo, joeyyyyyyyy! My grave ain't gonna be so shallow if I "bite the bullet" in the very near future. It's the holiday season. I need an additional three feet if you don't want my butt protruding from the rocky soil. Zing!

Poo poo foRgot said...

Btw..... I've seen folks checking out 3rd and l on my way home from work. I bet it gets sold very soon. Btw, is moby dick's little pRep shop still located on congress? Anyone? Bueler?

Anonymous said...

Yep, Moby Dick is still there on Congress. It would be great if they could have a little restaurant open around here.

Anonymous said...

Is this the location that sits on the corner on the back side of
The Loree Grand that is in quwestion.This would make a great spot for a resturaant. If anyone has information on the space please share.

See? Poo's ok! said...

Thank u, anon thing! In return, I give u this. U r welcome.

Poo has diarrhea of the mouth said...

Yeah, the spot is brilliant. That whole congress alley is brilliant. It would make a great little Parisian restaurant nook. U know they'd have the customers for a coffee joint for mornings, and a few late night joints......... For later.