Friday, December 17, 2010

Watch Out For Transit Thefts


A reader relates the following tale of woe:

Hey Inked - just a heads up to fellow neighborhood riders of the X2. Mine was snatched out of my hand while riding the X2 to work - mid-morning on a Wednesday. It was a newer bus, I was sitting close to the back door - and I think part of the problem is that the driver kept the back door open as long as the front door was open. Anyway - I was using it and the kid grabbed it out of my hand and bolted off the bus at H/N. Cap. I did not pursue, but wish now that I would have as there are a lot of different police types in DC - and other stories I've heard have met with success in recovery.

Anyway - just a heads up to anyone riding the X2 - among everything else you have to deal with on that busline - add phone-snatching to the list.

Now, I know we've all seen the warnings circulating about holiday thefts on Metro trains, and buses, but they really do happen. And they can happen to you. One more important reminder: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR SNOW SHOVEL HANGING ABOUT. IT WILL WALK OFF.

In other bus related news, the X9 (the express version of the X2) begins service on the 19th.


Anonymous said...

i know it's not your fault and it really really sucks that kids are petty criminals, but don't pull out something nice on the bus. most crime is giving the thief an opportunity.

wylie coyote said...

everybody on the bus should have run after that punk. we have to start addressing these issues as a community.

wylie coyote said...

on a more uplifting note, the x9 is a LONG overdue idea finally getting implemented. that route is so long, it was dying for an express option b/c the local x2 takes forever.

Anonymous said...

@anon Don't blame the victim.

Anonymous said...

riding the X2 the other week, suburban looking white guy sitting at the seat next to the door, he seems to be watching our route on a gps mapping program on his smart phone, he's practically holding it in the air - barely holding on to it w/ one hand...I almost tapped him on the shoulder and pointed out that he was asking to get it ripped from his hand...I decided against it. him and his phone made it off the bus safe.


Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
@anon Don't blame the victim.
no one did.

diane said...

for those of you that head to the Foggy Bottom area the X1 will now end its route at the Foggy Bottom/GWU metro stop beginning tomorrow...YEA!!!! No more switching buses for me!!! YEA