Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lost Dog Romping in Snow

From a reader:

While I was out walking my dog we came upon a little dog that looked lost. Unfortunately we weren''t able to catch him but i thought you might be able to post something in case the owners were looking for him.
He's a small dog (10lbs), like a westie or a yorkie. Wearing a red jacket and a collar with a very loud bark/howl for his size.

I followed his tracks up along the east side of gallaudet (west virginia ave) but lost him at about Oates Street. We called animal control, but in case the owners were looking for him, I thought we should send you a note.


The dog has been found and reunited with its owner.

1 comment:

suicide_blond said...

thanks for posting the update...i just love a happy ending... (twss)