The Washington Business Journal reports that Sticky Rice is one of thirty local properties that will benefit from matching funds from a Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") dispensed by the Department of Housing and Community Development ("DHCD").
Is there a list of the 30 properties that are getting funding?
How many are on H Street?
In a city with lots of needs, i'm not sure a highly successful restaurant should be the target of federal funds for revitalizing distressed neighborhoods - though certainly some properties around H could benefit
um, also, that article says that SR needs a makeover? really?! cant one of the boarded up places get that makeover?
The " grant" is actually matching funds, I understand. It is essentially a multiplier to incent landlords and tenants to invest in an upgrade that would otherwise be marginally feasible. The whole area benefits, so this match is a way to direct those broader gains to the catalyst investment.
I hope Miss Whiskey's got a grant.
I agree with anon 7:52.. .Chateaux Animoux or whatever on 8th street received a sizeable grant for the fascade... only to now move along and be replaced by a restaurant that will likely change the front of the building again. It was a ton of money if I remember right.
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