Image from Google Maps
A reader alerted me to efforts to raze the remaining buildings (1402, 1404, and 1406) on the north side of the 1400 block of H Street. Currently these building are bookended by two parking lots. That block is a small triangular shape. No word on what might go in if the buildings are razed.
You can read the Historic Preservation Office report here.
ugg. The lot to the east of these buildings used to be fully of broken cars, but it's recently been clerared, and there is a sign for $10 parking, with a nasty little rusty booth they probably found in a junk yard somewhere. I'm guessing the owners want to expand the parking lot by removing the buildings. I'd be fine with one less liquor store and check cashing place, but I'm not sure that a pay parking lot is part of any H street plan!
I've always thought that this entire triangular block should become green space- but that'll never happen....
How about Flat-Iron style mixed use building with ground floor retail?
They checked "no" when asked if the property is in an arts district. The applicant is wrong. According to the DC Office of Zoning:
"The purposes of the HS Overlay are to implement the Comprehensive Plan and the H Street, N.E. Strategic Development Plan; encourage residential use, particularly affordable housing and for reuse of upper floors; encourage the clustering of uses into unique destination districts, specifically a housing district from 2nd Street to 7th Street (HS-H), a neighborhood-serving retail shopping district from 7th Street to 12th Street (HS-R), and an arts and entertainment district from 12th Street to 15th Street (HS-A); to establish design guidelines consistent with the historic character and scale of the Overlay District; and to encourage the uses of existing buildings along the corridor."
Looks like a great location for another gas station.
The corner lots are owned by one of the valet guys from Biergarten Haus. I don't think he owns the 3 properties that are slated to be razed.
The lot to the east of the buildings (1410 H) is owned by the same people who own the 3 buildings slated to become more parking lot. I can't find any info about anything to west of 1402, however.
Would really appreciate more information on this. My kneejerk reaction is that this is a terrible idea, and that with current revitalization speed historic building are better left alone and expanded on with historically appropriate building facades. A really great idea for a new development might sway me, but if this is going to be a parking lot I'd say no effing way.
Sure could use a Starbucks!
@Anon 4:42: My thoughts exactly.
Snitches get stitches
I've often thought that triangle spot would be a perfect 3-level gym(treadmills facing the starburst). Of course my first choice would be a green space / dog park, but that's never going to happen. An urban loft-style gym would be a great addition to the neighborhood and much better use of the space than a parking lot. Besides, the guys who run the lot (or at least sit in the booth) often say inappropriate remarks whenever I cut through to head to the Argonaut. I'd be fine if they were without a job... but that's just me.
I think the problem is of vision. The guy who owns the parking lot has no idea what he can do with the lot. He is a valet and knows how to operate a parking lot and unfortunately has no experience and unwilling to take risks.
I think I'm fine with a parking lot .. someone try to convince me its a bad idea. We're not in a historic district.. eventually someone is going to turn the whole thing into something else down the line, and in the meantime we get a functioning use of the land. I doubt a historic looking replacement is going in for the autozone, and same thing is happening with the incoming Giant. I guess I see it as one step closer to something useful.
It looks to me like a parking lot is prohibited per the overlay regs -- 1320.5(f)
You're right DJB:
1320.5 The following uses are prohibited:
(a) Automobile and truck sales;
(b) Automobile laundry;
(c) Boat or marine sales;
(d) Gasoline service station;
(e) Outdoor storage of any materials; and
(f) Parking lot.
Parking is definitely a prohibited use in the H Street Overlay and expansion of an existing non-conforming use is not likely to be approved.
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