A call for volunteer assistance appears below:
Dear Friends:
Although we don’t have the permit yet, we are fairly certain that we are going to reopen the market April 21 at the corner of 13th and H Street NE. I’ve ordered 1000 door hangs with the info about the new locations and I am trying to get a crew together to hang them up in the neighborhood. Are any of you interested in spending an hour or two on Saturday April 14 or Sunday April 15 helping me get them on doors?
Please let me know. I really need help with this! We have FFM volunteers I am asking as well, but I know you all have a vested interest in the market.
Juliet Glass
Markets and Program Manager
PO BOX 15691
Washington D.C., 20003
tel: 202 362 8889
fax: 202 244 2131
cel: 612 232 3459
Does this mean that they are using the old library site?
Awesome! This is great for folks who live on the eastern end of H.
This is the old library site.
That is a terrible location. The lot is to small and it will be muddy.
will they be selling items inside the building or outside, both?
Is the library a temporary location?
As someone who lives on the very Western end of H--I'm really sad. I frequented the market almost every weekend. The kids loved it, too. But, located at 13 and H--the market will become something we do occasionally. It's just too far for a quick visit.
Hopefully, there will be lots of happy East-enders to support the farmers.
Are you predicting heavy rain every weekend the farmers market is opening, thus guaranteeing your baseless prediction that the market area will be muddy every week it is held? LOL.
The big Western-enders/Eastern-enders war is about to break out.
For real, Anon 1:24? It's like a 6 block difference. Put your kids in a wagon and walk to the new location. It's not like it has moved to Glover Park or something.
That lot is a mess. I parked there for a scooter rally a couple years ago and it was terrible. The ground is uneven, and the grass was sparse. Trucks parking there will only make it worse, and it will soon become a muddy mess.
and 6 blocks with toddlers is hike on Sat morning. I predict that the # of people going to the market will drop dramatically.
I, for one, will enjoy the bracing exercise provided by an additional walk of 6 blocks. Therefore, I predict that attendance will increase dramatically.
Westender here. I wish it were more centrally located but I'm happy they have a spot on H and will support them just as much.
I know I, as an East Ender, will visit the market much more now. If anything, I think the number of patrons will increase.
Oh, and East Enderz 4 life.
eassside reprznt!!!!1
East end rules.
West end . . .doesn't.
We live at 14th and H and walked to the market every weekend last season. It just isn't that far and our kids saw it as an adventure. I think that most people who appreciate the market will manage to walk a few extra blocks.
but..but..like i heard that like past 10th st is dangerous or whatever..cause its near trinidad and carver langston..does that mean i have to take off my white ear buds? No thanks, I'll stick to sterility and people who look like me.
hey didn't know how to email you directly but heard some info i think the readers of your blog would enjoy: Was walking past H St country club on Wed night and a server there told me that they have plans to open up their rooftop and add 9 more holes of mini-golf! If you look closely on their store front you can see a hidden construction permit on the bottom left.
I think the 13th & H location is fantastic - there's street parking nearby, a bus stop, and a large capital bikeshare station. I predict that the ground may be wet sometimes (if after a heavy rain event) and that it may be dry sometimes (if after a warm summer week of little rain). I also predict that slightly fewer people from the west side will make it to the market as frequently as they might have in the past, but I predict that a greater number of people on the east side will make it more regularly. Aren't you all interested in my predictions? :-P
anon @ 944 has the right attitude. it'll be fine. wear your old shoes, you'll be okay. west enders, walk on down. i'll buy you an apple for your troubles. LMAO.
east side rules, though.
*throws up complicated, gentrified gang sign*
wylie coyote: v. funny. made me smile. will be looking for my apple.
Westside Pride!
Best Side over Least Side 4 ever.
I live at 12th and I and have walked to the market every week end and even brought along the granddaughter in her stroller. Heck folks before this market, I bike to Dupont just to get these types of products. If folks can't walk say 10 blocks, then DRIVE..or take the bus. But on a nice Saturday walk and it will do you good. Yea for the market finding a new home and I will be there to pickup some for signs to help spread the word.
what a bunch of losers.
that is all.
former h street home owner who's current digs would make you quiver.
This is fantastic news! I'm looking forward to the space of the old library be a community gathering space. I can help with the hang tags. I'll email you.
Since you're such an expert on losers,
"who's" = "who is" or "who was"
"whose" = possessive
That is all.
This is great news. Now can we get some pay toilets?
It's pretty obvious that the things that are not close to my home are too far away, and predict that they will fail.
Whereas close things are better because they're more convenient, and so will be a roaring success.
If there's this much opposition to the market being moved to 13th Street, I can't imagine the backlash if it were to move to the starburst park.
Can we get a new post about people's reaction to the new market location? I for one really dislike this because it is so cramped and right on the street. People with kids have to be on constant alert of kids walking or running into the street. I think a quieter location would go a long way. I went the first weekend and then haven't gone back. I used to get every saturday rain or shine.
They had a really hard time finding this temporary location. It's probably only good for one season, and then they will have to move again. The rents some potential locations were asking were just too high. I would suggest talking directly with the FreshFarm person at the market.
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