Eater DC has a nice piece highlighting the #dinerrumors tweets coming from Matt Ashburn, the former owner of the Capital City Diner. Ashburn recently told the Washington Post that the diner will remain "local to the area." I've heard a rumor that it might be closer than I expected. I really hope it's true. Whatever happens, I definitely hope to visit the diner again soon.
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
Please be somewhere in near NE. Colombia Heights might as well be on the moon to me. But at the end of the day, DC is where it belongs.
I hope they work out the service,food issues, and fix the stools/booths. They seem like good people but unless they address the issues above they'll find it difficult regardless of where they move.
I doubt it's staying in NE- or even DC why move it to a different part of the same quadrant?
A place like that needs parking. Believe me, the only time I need food like that, I'm in a condition where I need to drive.
@anon 9:51,
That stretch of Bladensburg was a hard sell. I think the diner would make an absolute killing if it were positioned somewhere on H itself, visible and passed on foot by all of the bargoers. Of course some market research would be necessary to back this up.
Agree w/ Anon/2:05pm- I loved the diner but hated that stretch of road. The city needs to clean up that street before it'll get revitalized.
Miss going for brunch with the kids and tough finding another close by place that has good solid breakfasts.
I liked the place even with the dilapidated booths and stools, it was part of the charm.
I think that a good breakfast diner on H would kill especially if they are price like the diner was.
Somebody needs to open up the Ohio Restaurant as a 24 hour greasy spoon/diner. Not me because I'm a terrible businessman, so you probably shouldn't even listen to my business advice... but that would be fan-freakin-tastic.
I fully endorse this plan.
we need a place to get coffee, pancakes and two eggs over on a wednesday. the pubs that serve brunch are great, but weekday options are nil on H. wish they could park the diner in that nasty autozone lot.
The diner in the Autozone lot would have been tremendous.
If we had a more progressive National Park Service it could be put in any of the parks on the Hill.
But we don't. Instead, our parks are sterile and lifeless.
I really hope it is better than the old Diner. Frankly it sucked! If I had a few hours I could tell you all of the reasons why. None of which have to do with the location.
Yeah, Washington DC has the most sterile and lifeless National Park Service properties in the nation.
But we don't. Instead, our parks are sterile....
Nonsense! I took my daughter to Lincoln Park this weekend, and the trash cans were overflowing with dog shit and trash!
"Sterile," indeed!
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