Edens, which owns multiple parcels in the Union Market/Florida Market/Capital City Market, held a massive family style dinner last night to launch their new Union Market. Union Market (the building is called Union Market, but Edens also uses the name to refer to the entire 24 acre market) is housed in the former DC Farmers Market. The DC Farmers Market was gutted after it suffered a fire last fall. Edens has renovated the building into a high end food market and dining space. It's quite different from its former incarnation, which was often viewed as down market.
I was able to attend last night's Sunday Supper, and the experience was nothing short of stunning. The four course meal was very impressive. Union Market is a much fancier space than the DC Farmers Market, and the vendors who have signed on to sell there match that appearance. I will write more about this in the future, but please enjoy this photo set in the mean time.
family style huh?
Yep, dishes served to each table and passed around.
ah, so not to be confused with "family style" in the sense that normal people with normal incomes and normal palates would be in the target demographic? Nice.
Building looks amazing!
The dinner was expensive (it was a benefit), but I expect the prices for the vendors to be close to what you might find at Eastern Market.
Did you buy your own ticket to the dinner? $200 or $250?
Or were you comped?
Rather presumptuous of them to roll into town and rename an entire market district that's been in existance for 80 years when they only own a few parcels within it.
Looks awesome, can't wait for them to open. Plenty of us in the neighborhood now with disposable income and adventurous palates that are more than ready to give them some business.
I'm sure she was comped (and deserved to be). @UnionMarketDC was actively soliciting her comments on Twitter.
I was on the press list because I'm writing a piece on Union Market for Capital Community News.
The name thing is a shift, but that's an area that has gone by multiple names over the years. I know it as the Florida Avenue Market, but the Office of Planning calls it the Capital City Market. Union Terminal Market is the oldest name that I'm aware of for this market.
I ran into Paul Pascal at the dinner. I believe he is the one who provided them with the old Union Terminal Market map (which dates from sometime between 1931 and 1955) that they reproduced on the wall.
any new juicy details about the market that you can tell us?
Does anyone know anyone who actually paid for the event? I know 3 people that attended, all as press/media/bloggers. Was it an actual dinner event/fundraiser, or a media op?
Or maybe the latter under the guise of the former?
Wow, what an amazing line up of cooking talent (drool). Thanks for keeping us posted Inked. Really looking forward to the market opening.
It looks nice, but frankly those could be pictures of something opening in Frederick, MD or Charlottesville, VA!
I have to pile on a little and say that it's unsettling how little transparency there has been regarding this whole development. What is the master plan here? Are any local neighborhood organizations/representatives involved or providing input? One of the videos calls the future area DC's own "meat packing district." Gah!
I will absolutely share more info about the Market when time permits.
The press was definitely there, but there were definitely people who paid to be there as well. It actually raised a lot of money.
@Anon 8:44,
I agree that there wasn't much community involvement in the planning, but I have to admit it's sort of refreshing that something is happening rapidly for once. I wish there was a way to involve the community and still get something done in less than five years.
I will say it raised my eyebrows that there was a fire here in November, and these guys started moving on this virtually immediately. I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying.
yes, very good timing on edens part with regards to the fire... very suspicious.
i guess the market opens September 8th:
I would say business as usual when contracting with the right demolition company. Just make sure you pick one ending in a vowel.
10:16 & Boris,
This is just one parcel in a 24 acre market. Gallaudet University is developing their land in the Market as well. They'v held numerous public meeting about it.
This particular delopment did happen quickly. We shall see how it impacts everything else that happens in the Market.
Also, Edens is operating according to the unfinished Small Area Plan created by the Office of Planning (with public input) a few years back.
11:32 & 11:55,
Every time a commercial building catches on fire anonymous people on the internet like to suggest it is arson. It happened with Jimmy's Tire, and with the Argonaut. It's been offensive every time. Let's please refrain from suggesting that legitimate business people are engaged in criminal activity. Plus, that was classy of you to throw in that ethnic smear 11:55.
it's not offensive. the argonaunt and mr tire fires have nothing to do with timing of any sort. this fire had everything to do with timing, that's why its suspicious.
Off the topic, but does anyone know what the big pile up for cops and people around 9th Maryland Ave is all about? Just happened it seems.
Re: 12:32: http://dcist.com/2012/06/northeast_dc_woman_is_evicted_despi.php#photo-1
If you go back to the posts from the time of each fire you will see people making the same argument that the timing and situation were very convenient to the property owners.
Inked, thanks, glad to hear they're looking to respect the Small Area Plan. I'm excited about the development, it's just that the area has so much potential to be something special if done right.
I hope the rest of the market is not just bulldozed and transformed without keeping some unique character and tradition. I think there is room at the site for both.
Here is where I always refer to the West Side Market (Cleveland) as an example of a true foodie's paradise that remains real and accessible to all.
ah, so not to be confused with "family style" in the sense that normal people with normal incomes and normal palates would be in the target demographic? Nice.
Oh, sad, bitter, envious haters. Where would FT be without you?
so glad you are covering this. Am looking forward to some fun independent retail in this area. Have lived here for 12 years and still feel there is something for everyone at the market and in DC NE. Not sure that "the community" needs to have a say in EVERY project. I get tired of mediocracy by committee sometimes.
I just had to pull a comment. Keep the comments clear of vulgar personal attacks.
Union Market = Amazing
The dinner was a James Beard Foundation fundraiser. It's on their website. I saw the posting a while ago but "Union Market" didn't ring a bell. Pretty sure the full court press on the rehab was motivated by the need to get the place ready for a high end event - James Beard dinners have a following and it looks like there was a lot of celebrity chef firepower in the room. I'm excited to see this place up and running. Food glorious food...
I should have known - - back when they painted the Argonaut green in 05 (yeah they painted it grey now but so what, I am still so enraged that I just can't even stand to walk within 500 feet of that building) that it was the beginning of a hideous conspiracy, and now this Union Market just proves it. I'll add Union Market to the same list of places that I've been boycotting - - - Sticky Rice (they had a mean slicked-back hair waiter, remember), the Big Board (remember its previous incarnation and how mean they were to staff), Palace of Wonders (its burlesque overtones are shocking to my kids), XII (too urban), and Biergarten Haus (I thought we won that war, twice come to think of it, how dare we do something fruchen German) and the Pug (interbred dogs die too early, how offensive to promote that breed like its some sort of object.) I don't even know why I live on H Street, because this umbrage has become so unbearable.
Dear 8:36 - i'm offended that you made fun of the plight of pug dogs and I urge you to apologize at once.
Ok I apologize. Perhaps I meant to say that its making fun of pugalistic boxing matches, and that's an outrage how we pay big bucks to watch humans fight each other until their bloody. It's an outrage, its's an insult!
Dear 8:42 - i'm offended that you made fun of the boxing world, and I urge you to apologize at once.
OK I apologize. Perhaps I meant to say that pug is an offensive reference to a steam locomotive in 1900s Great Britain, and by attacking the engineering and design of that locomotive by suggesting it is ugly is an offensive insult to the working class people of England and their suffering at the hands of the upper class.
Dear 8:47 - I am offended that you made fun of turn-of-century English industrialism and I urge you to apologize at once.
"umbrage" I love that word too much to be offended by your use of it. You have defeated my false cynicism and self absorption - for now...
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