So, we have a new trivia night starting at a relatively new bar (former home of HR-57). Announcement below:
Please join me your host Sasha Ryan at Fever Bar & Lounge and get your Labor Day Weekend Started!!!
Sign up begins at 7PM and the first round starts at 8:15PM and the second round begins at 9:15PM.
You are in for a treat this time because there will be no teams. Every man is for themselves. Individual will challenge individual. To stay on the throne you have to get the most answers correct out of five. Even those that get knocked off the throne can come back and challenge for the entire round. All willing and wanting to play will be added back on the list in order until everyone gets to play. The person with the most correct answers from each round will be declared the Ruler of Hip Hop Trivia Night.
Drink Specials: $5 cocktails, $3 Heineken, $3 Amstel
Happy Hour 7-9pm
Fever Bar and Lounge 816 H Street
No prize? Not even a free beer?
Being declared the Ruler of hip hop trivia night is prize enough for me and will surely land me a few free beers from those I rule over
from the description of the club "Be prepared to sweat!" because they still don't have AC
Absolutely not true about the AC. It is working fine.
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