From MPD:
On 1/24/13 at approximately 2310 hours Complainant-1 was working as the evening clerk at the BP Gas Station located at 1376 Florida Ave NE when he unlocked and opened the front door to let in the night clerk. As the night clerk entered, three masked suspects ran in behind him. Once inside, the suspects punched C-1 about the head, took currency from the cash register and fled out of the front door. At that exact time, a Robbery unit in an unmarked vehicle was passing by the gas station and observed the three masked suspects exit the gas station office and start running. The Robbery units pursued the suspects and, without losing sight of them, captured all three a short distance away from the gas station. Recovered nearby was the US currency taken from the cash register. Subjects were placed under arrest Great Job by the RIP (robbery) Unit!
Good job guys!!
Ha ha. Ghetto people are stupid.
Thank you to the police officers! You have a tough job, and we are grateful for your presence and duty!
"At that exact time, a Robbery unit in an unmarked vehicle was passing by the gas station and observed the three masked suspects exit the"
the Robbery squad staked out these 3 perps, followed them and took them down for robbery, assault, trespass, i suspect breaking and entering and burglary would be lesser included offenses, oh I forgot conspiracy.
these 3 guys are looking at 5-25 years.
seems awful stupid for a few hundred dollars.
Good thing they didn't use guns, because the MPD would have shot them if they thought they were armed.
Wish they would've used "gats" in that case.
I hate to wish death upon anyone.
The courts have ruled that you can only shoot a fleeing felon who is a clear hazard to others.
So a kid fleeing on a stolen bike you risk getting away vs opting to use deadly force on a armed robber or murderer because they are a huge risk
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