Tuesday, August 06, 2013

NYT: From Bocce to a Trolley

Getting our pasta fix at Vendetta 

The New York Times highlights some H Street attractions in a slideshow.


Anonymous said...

Anyone know what the US Marshals were doing on Montello & Florida this morning?

oboe said...

I miss the Red Palace.

Anonymous said...

Five photos and all five are of white people (with one Asian women, walking with a white guy)?!?! This isn't race-baiting but I do think the photographer didn't quite catch the diversity of the area.

heyktb said...

I agree anon 7:42. Clearly they were not walking down our streets on any random weekday. If it were not for the giant painted cock, I would hardly recognize my neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

I remember feeling the same way when I saw the slides. At first I was going to send it to some of my family and friends but then stopped and didn't because I really didn't appreciate the fact that not one person of color was featured in any of the photos taken - not one - really????

Anonymous said...

I didn't share the slideshow with anyone. Really, it's a sad effort, especially as a non-piece coming from the nations "newspaper of record." The photography is hardly worth national notice, and nothing of the character of H is remotely captured.

grr said...

so negative. why is everyone so negative

Anonymous said...

Don't confuse criticism for negativity. The article was awful.

Anonymous said...

Agree with anonymous above (8:50). One would indeed expect the NYT to be above this kind of crap click bait.

Doesn't everyone realize that the proliferation of "slide shows" and "top whatever lists" are just click bait to inflate a site's visits: this one nets the NYT website five hits versus one.

I guess NYT is now following Yahoo!News in the race to the bottom.

Anonymous said...

We could be misinterpreting this article altogether, perceiving it as a benign short on our illustrious neighborhood.

It could in reality be a tongue-in-cheek nod to one of their Southern neighbors, who have ambitions for H Street to become another Williamsburg.

Jeff Bezos said...

Yeah, New York Times and Yahoo News have a lot in common. Brilliant observation!