I was drawn to my back door (1200 block of Florida Ave) by whining and scratching around 9pm tonight. It was a smallish male pitbull, black with a white patch on his chest. He was very friendly, but also very scared. As I have a cat, I was unable to keep him overnight. A friend who works for the Washington Humane Society got him on a leash, and called two kind folks she knows from Animal Control. He's safe, and staying at the shelter. He looked healthy, & clean. I don't think he had been outside long. He was not wearing a collar. I think he was neutered.

4:25 - what's it like to be such an impotent asshole?
Hope dog finds home
Isn't that a kill shelter? Why didn't you keep the dog?!?!
Anon 9:57pm:
1. They do sometimes euthanize, yes, although not routinely. They're not the kind of shelter rescue organizations are referring to when they talk about saving dogs from "high-kill shelters" etc.
2. Probably for the same reason that you haven't gone to the shelter to adopt the dog.
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