Family Dollar (1121 H St NE) is having a grand re-opening.
The store has extensively re-designed the front of their building to get rid of the security bars, so that the store is brighter and a bit less "fortress-looking". I haven't had an opportunity to stop in yet to see what changes have been made to the interior. Has anyone else stopped by yet and, if so, what do you think?
The "Thrift Store" redid their front too. Looks great. Nice awning.
Looks sharp!
I confess I've never been in, because it always seemed kinda depressing from the outside. It looks nicer now, so . . .what do they sell? Any opinions on their wares?
It's a bit cluttered, but I've never found it depressing. The staff is helpful and friendly. The only downside is occasional long lines, but they seem to be shorter recently (or maybe I've just been going at less crowded times). Think of it as more of a general store than a "dollar" store. They really have almost everything: Food, including frozen/fresh, food storage, toys, clothes, electronics, soap/shampoo/cosmetics, hardware, cleaning supplies, buckets, car repair, hardware, garden tools, batteries, CDs, gift wrap, diapers and baby supplies, and a few dozen other things I can't think of. Lots of seasonal stuff; I got bags of empty plastic Easter eggs for $1 each after finding that the Giant had only $10 bags of eggs prefilled with candy. More info here http://www.familydollar.com/pages/products.aspx.
I read your post and it contains very useful information. Thanks for this useful article.
I've been shopping here for a few years and the new look is much improved. If you need laundry detergent, fabric softener, Febreze, etc., there's no place cheaper. Snacks are decently priced, but I'm not usually shopping for that. My dog loves laser pointers and I can get them in the pet section here for $1. There are lots of good buys in this store and it's a shame people haven't been shopping here all along!
They reorganized shelves inside. Previously there were some facing east-west (back of store) and some north-south (front of store) with cosmetics randomly and isolated near the door. Now all shelves are north-south facing. They were not finished with moving items around when I went in last time but it is a convenient place to pick up inexpensive items. Ditto on the long lines mentioned earlier.
Thanks for the info, folks, I'll give it a go.
I've lived around the corner for almost six years and just recently started going to Family Dollar. I have two kids ages 5 and under and you can't beat it for school supplies, household items, fun seasonal items, hair accessories, you name it! I've been kicking myself for not patronizing sooner. I recently read that Family Dollar was closing stores in certain areas nationwide. Glad they're staying put here on H. St.
I went in yesterday. While the outside may be fixed up, the inside is still pretty beat up. It's almost like a run down ghetto Rite Aid.
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