The condo development at 1115 H St is starting to pick up steam and their website promises delivery by Fall 2014. Judging by how things look now, they appear to be on schedule. What are your thoughts on the demand for condos in the neighborhood? Do you think this development will sell out with prices for 1BRs "ranging in the 300s"?
So, anyone know anything about what happened at the ABRA meeting yesterday (Tuesday) morning re: revocation of XII's liquor license?
Also, any news about the status of the latest stabbing victims from XII?
They will sell. Wonder if the condos come with parking.
Yes they come with parking in the imaginary/non-existent underground parking garage.
It is made out of wood. I would pay fake dollars in 300s for one bedroom. fake house, fake money.
I would pay a billion Stanley nickels to live there.
frozen tropics probably the most negative commentators of any blog anywhere. unbelievable.
also, this blog has the most anonymous bloggers. why are people so afraid to create a handle and use it? it's not like anyone will know who you really are.
i attribute it to simply being scared. it's like the broken window theory. fraidy cats bring on the haters.
grow some, people. grow a pair.
+1 Poo to the 2nd power
RE condos: Anything other than an empty space is better. I can definitely see a demand from younger people wanting to live in a vibrant neighborhood, so many restaurants, bars, and now Whole Foods, all within walking distance. As far as the price I know that $300K is costly for many, but that is the starting price for condos in any decent neighborhood in the District.
RE XII: what a disgrace that place is. They should have the license revoked. Two incidents like that in less than three months is a shame. http://www.popville.com/2014/05/open-letter-from-anc-rep-regarding-xii-twelve-restaurant-lounge-on-h-street-ne/
you're right, it's good to have handles.
oh wait...
hey, even copying my handle is better than hiding in a corner!
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Anyone know what the story is with the construction on 6th and H at the former govy building site and that former parking lot where the farmers market used to be?? Are they rehabbing the building on the left?
at 300+ i think they will sell,
compare it to a small apartment, you will be paying 2k/month in rent, so right on H St, sure.
Now that snakebit project Capital Views on 12th and florida? that one will likely not sell.
The 300-range is the appropriate market for a one-bedroom condo on H St NE. 1 bedrooms on 14th St NW are going for 480-550 (plus fees and without parking). No need to sip the haterade. i hope the trolley will be ready for these owners
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