Thursday, June 26, 2014

John McCain is on H Street Tonight


Reader John sends in a photo that appears to show John McCain standing outside of the Biergarten Haus (1355 H Street).


pat said...

I hope he enjoyed his meal, and tells his friends.
We could use the business.

Tom said...

Really Pat? Every time I am in there it is slammed with people.

Anonymous said...

i think it is a boom or bust place. either packed at peak hours or empty. the main selling point of that place is the patio (the beer is OK). i wouldnt go there for beer or food indoors. so winter is probably lightly attended

inked said...

I'm assuming Pat just meant H Street generally, which could always use a weeknight boost.

Anonymous said...

yes but what about parking for senior citizens??!


g said...

He needs to go home and eat. Dont come to our area.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's planning to carpet bomb the neighborhood?

pat said...

Well Maybe his moderate Syrian Rebels can join him for a drink there.

H St can always use more business.

It's been nice President Obama has been here for dinner it would be nice if more Senators
would come out

Anonymous said...

Geriatric right-wing war hawks hanging out on H Street? This place is OVER!

pat said...

Maybe John McCain can get into Shell Art.