Thursday, November 06, 2014

ANC 5D Meeting Thursday 11/12


ANC 5D's (Trinidad, Ivy City, Carver Langston, Gallaudet University, and the Florida Ave Market) regular meeting falls on Veterans Day, so they will meet on Thursday (7-8:30pm November 12th) instead.  This meeting is always held at MPD's 5th District Station (1805 Bladensburg Road,) which happens to be outside of ANC 5D boundaries.

The agenda (May be revised) is:

1. Public Safety Report
2. Administrative Matters
3. Office of the People's Counsel
4. Eden's Development Update
5. Citizen's Concerns
6. Adjournment


Petagay Lewis, 5D01
Vonetta Dumas, 5D02
Vacant , 5D03
Bernice Blacknell, 5D04
Kathy Henderson, 5D05
Tina Laskaris, 5D06
David Hooper, 5D07


pat said...

pity the meetings aren't at the church or the community center.

poo's lovely concubine said...

which church? is there only one?

John Wall said...

I dont go because of Kathy. Sorry Kathy.