Two ANC Commissioner from ANC 5D are teaming up for a joint meeting tonight on Bladensburg Road liquor licenses. Adam Robert (5D03) and Yvonne Buggs (5D06) want to hear from you about Rose's Liquor and other establishments in our area.
When: Thursday May 7th at 7pm
Where: W. S. Jenks Hardware (910 Bladensburg Road)
Here's to hoping they kill Roses and the other liquor stores. The riffraff spends too much time in front.
I agree. Shut them down. Rose's, Stanton, both are terrible.
I totally agree with the two previous comments. take away the license since they can't seem to control the solicitors that stand out front smoking and drinking.
One thing, it's really hard to just take away a liquor license, but what you can realistically do is enter into a strong settlement agreement. If you have strong feelings on this issue please attempt to attend this meeting.
Hopefully they get to keep their liquor license. I like having two liquor stores close by. I'll be at the meeting supporting them. Thanks for the info.
Inked -- These liquor stores already have voluntary agreements but nobody enforces the terms and conditions of the agreements.
1:46 - There are still plenty of liquor stores on H Street and elsewhere. I also don't mind if they stay but they'd have to seriously step up their game regarding their operations and being a good neighbor. A better selection wouldn't hurt, either!
Rose's does have a settlement agreement (and I know they have had some enforcement activity). They are also applying for a renewal of that license, so this is a chance to press them on issues and also to enter into a new agreement.
Stanton's. Nothing quite like panhandling while drunk and smelling strongly of alcohol *right outside the liquor store*.
Rose's and Stanton's provide a valuable service to the community. Do you think if these places were closed down the bums would just say "oh well, no more local liquor store, time to clean up my act." Of course not. They would wander down to H st. and muck up all the hard work us gentrifiers have been doing to increase property values and the tax base for the city.
I think of Bladensburg like a Red Light District. Let the vagrants have their little area and stay away from me.
I am no fan of Roses and would love to see it go or change the nature of the shop. But holy shit these comments are terrible. Keep them there so they don't come here? Riffraff? Part of what makes this neighborhood great is that it isn't Clarendon.
ne dc will never ever be clarendon. actually if clarendon doesn't have homeless drunk people hanging out at liquor stores, maybe we need to emulate some of their practices.
what do ignorant drunk homeless people contribute to a community? do they make it hip? nope violent crime does. and we still got plenty of that.
they are riffraff, losers, morons, etc. Doesn't really matter if they don't sty on Bladensburg. They're plenty of those people on H.
I sincerely believe that if both Stanton Liquor and Rose's were forced to either amend their business practices(ie no single sales) or close altogether, this would drive these drunken losers away and bladensburg rd would look and feel much better. There are plenty of places on Benning Rd for them to congregate, if they so choose. I am sorry, I have no sympathy for any of these people.
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