This is the third in a three movie series playing outdoors in Ivy City (Ivy City Playground, north corner of Mt. Olivet and West Virginia). No cover and open to all ages. These guys play old shows and movies that someone taped on a home VCR. So I don't know if this is an edited for tv version of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (PG) or not. I would assume it does not have captions, because the chance of the original taper having them turned on at the time don't seem great. More about this film series:
this is a first for us -- the most ragtag outdoor movie experience of the summer in d.c. is coming on the 3rd friday of the month this summer in june, july, and august. we're partnering with the ivy city civic association to produce a neighborhood movie night -- a true community partnership from spark to screen. join us on 3 select evenings at dusk for feature-length '80s movies (screening from original, home-recorded vhs) with pre-show "garfield" cartoon specials. you'll discover displaced youth on june 19th, displaced detective on july 18th, and a displaced bike on august 21st. bring friends, neighbors, and blankets to catch these favorites under the stars in ivy city.
1 comment:
is SUBWAY catering? lol
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