Monday, September 07, 2015

Agenda for Tomorrow's ANC 5D Meeting

Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 7.08.44 AM
Still from a video shot by Edward Milton

The next ANC 5D meeting is tomorrow. Here's the agenda as it was circulated earlier today:


Public Meeting

September 8, 2015
7-8:30 p.m.
Fifth District Police Headquarters, 1805 Bladensburg Rd NE


1.      Greetings                                             Chairperson Kathy Henderson
2.      Roll Call                                              Secretary Yvonne Buggs
3.      Citizen’s Concerns                              All
4.      Public Safety Report                           Commander William Fitzgerald/Team
5.      Bladensburg Road Development        Deputy Mayor Courtney Snowden
6.      Administrative Matters:

a)      Approval of Minutes
b)      Treasurer’s Report
c)      Motion to Pay Phone Bill          

7.      Garage Addition: BZA #19061          Alex Hastings, Homeowner
8.      Announcements:

a)      Tommie Jones                               Executive Office of the Mayor
b)      Laisha Dougherty                         Ward 5 Councilmember
c)      Citizen Announcements

9.      Adjournment


Petagay Lewis, 5D01                                  
Keisha Shropshire, 5D02                                Treasurer                                          
Adam Roberts, 5D03
Bernice Blacknell, 5D04                                 Parliamentarian
Kathy Henderson, 5D05                                 Chairperson
Yvonne Buggs, 5D06                                     Secretary
Clarence Lee, 5D07                                        Vice Chairperson



Anonymous said...

Why pay the phone bill if the number is not published on the district ANC website? Who decides which commissioners have phones paid for but the taxpayers?

Robin said...

Isn't the agenda supposed to be made available a week prior to the meeting? Perhaps I am making that up, but I thought that was a rule.

inked said...

They definitely are supposed to give notice of the time and location of meeting a week in advance (which did happen). It would, of course, be far more helpful to also get the agenda at that time.

Robin said...

And do we think that having citizen's concerns as #3 on the agenda is like Pepco last month? Kill 50 minutes and then have no time to get through any business?

Anonymous said...

The commissioners whose phone numbers are on the district 's ANC website are NOT paid for by taxpayer funds. These three commissioners chose to publish their phone numbers in order that their constituents can contact them and provide opportunity for transparency. Wake up, neighbors! I suggest you get answers to your concerns at the meeting tonight.

Shaggy said...

You realize that if you try to raise any of these concerns or confront her in public, she(KH) will just adjourn the meeting and end it, thereby kicking the proverbial can down the road. That is her primary tactic that has worked wonders in the past. There has to be a better way to get some answers - I just don't know what it is.

Anonymous said...

I bet this will not be on the list of things to talk about tonight.

Dear ANC 5D Commissioners,

We have been informed that a member of ANC 5D has visited different TD Bank branches around the city requesting a change in signers and to access the account and that this is causing concerns among bank branch staff.

As a preemptive measure to protect the assets of ANC 5D, I have requested that the Office of Finance and Treasury (OFT) place a freeze on the account and that custody of ANC 5D’s checkbook be maintained at the Office of the DC Auditor. Because this is an administrative issue within the ANC, I recommend that your ANC meet with Mr. Simon, Director of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions to assist in resolving this matter. We will be in contact with Mr. Simon and once the issues have been resolved we can notify OFT to remove the freeze and return checkbook to the ANC. In the meantime, those authorized to issue checks on behalf of the ANC may do so at the ODCA office, with adequate supporting documentation. Once the checkbook has been received in our office, the freeze can be removed from the account. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Anonymous said...

Who is the above comment from? My understanding is that the current chair, Kathy Henderson, is the person who has attempted to change signers for the ANC account.

Anonymous said...

At Anonymous 7:18,
That letter was read tonight at the ANC5D Meeting. It is from the DC Auditors Office. Comm Kathy Henderson is apparently the person that tried to move funds. The bank branches where she was going raised an alert as any action on the ANC account requires two signatures. The signature card was just submitted with the officers signatures (Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice Chair; the Chair has refused to sign). The signers have security funds. Despite trying to access and move funds, Comm Henderson is accusing all other officers, the bank, Auditors Office and the Office of the ANC for acting fraudulently.

Anonymous said...

Is this a reason for removal from office? Her behavior speaks of deception,self indulgence and malfeance of office. It is amazing that when this was discussed at the meeting her responses were focused on others and did not admit she was the guilty party. Neighbors, speak up so that our ANC can move on to the issues that represent each one of us and not a platform for the chair who impedes progress .

Anonymous said...

wow! Those commissioners that serve with Comrade Henderson deserve combat pay...even the one that can't read the meeting minutes.