Wednesday, December 09, 2015

ANC 6A ABL Committee Agenda 12/15 [Corrected]


There are some items of interest are on the agenda for the upcoming ANC 6A ABL Committee meeting. Those in attendance will hear about a new request from Sally's Middle Name (1320 H Street) to add 60 seats on the second floor and 22 more seats in a summer garden.Also up is a new tavern application from Sospeso, which will offer Mediterranean dishes and a wine-centric drink menu. Finally, there's a license application from Mia's Coffeehouse (101 15th Street) which is actually converting into a taqueria. [Update: Apparently Mia's Coffeehouse is remaining a coffeehouse. They will just serve taqueria style food items Friday and Saturday nights. I based my original post on the following note from a menu section on their website: "Mia's Coffeehouse will be converted to an LA-inspired grab-and-go taqueria focusing on freshly prepared tacos. . All of our salsas and marinades will be made from scratch."]

There will also be updates on a pending entertainment endorsement that could allow Latin dancing at Ocopa (1324 H Street), and a request for expanded operations at Sol Mexican Grill (1251 H Street).

Here's the full agenda:

Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Committee
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 7pm
Sherwood Recreation Center (10th and G Sts NE)

I.               Welcome / Introductions / Approval of Agenda / Approval of Minutes

II.              Community Comment

III.            Old Business

A.    Update on status of request by Ocopa at 1324 H Street NE (License No. ABRA-088102) for an Entertainment Endorsement.

B.    Update on status of request by Sol Mexican Grill at 1251 H Street NE (License No. ABRA-092192) for an extension of hours for operation, alcoholic beverage sales and consumption, and live entertainment.

IV.            New Business

A.    Discussion of request by Steak Ice 1310 H, LLC, t/a Sally’s Middle Name at 1320 H Street NE (License No. ABRA-097355) for (1) expansion of existing premises by 60 seats on second floor; (2) addition of summer garden endorsement with 22 seats; and (3) class change from a “D” Restaurant to a “C” Restaurant.*

B.    Discussion of license application for Rosato, LLC t/a Sospeso at 1344 H Street NE (License No. ABRA100766) (Class “C” Tavern).

C.   Discussion of license application for Mia’s Coffee House at 101 15th Street NE (License No. TBD).

V.             Adjourn

(Next Meeting Date – January 19, 2016)

Updates to the agenda will be posted at

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